Chapter 12: Nightmares And Panic Attacks

Start from the beginning

The kiss was short but very sweet and passionate. A few minutes later, he pulled away and gave me another hug which made me blush and smile. I sighed and yawned as I laid back down in my bed with Leonard and Mick by my side.

A little bit later, Joe and Iris walked in ''Hey Barry I got your message'' Joe said as him and Iris looked at me with concern and walked up to me ''Awe poor pumpkin are you okay?'' Joe asked hugging me, ''Yea i'm fine just a lil beaten up'' I said shrugging with a little chuckle,

Joe sighed ''Who did this?" Iris asked, ''Tony Woodward'' I said, Joe and Iris's eyes widen ''That punk who beat you up in grade school?" Joe asked furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, I nodded ''Where is he now?" Joe asked getting worried ''Don't worry he's in our prison locked for good he won't be escaping any time soon'' Cisco said giving him a reassured smile,

Joe let out a small sigh in relief ''Good. Keep that punk away from my pumpkin'' he said with a small smile, I just smiled and giggled ''Well i'm glad you're okay'' Joe said, I smiled and nodded as Joe kissed my head. Joe and Iris looked at the glaring between me, Leonard and Barry,

Joe chuckled ''Uh so I assume Barry knows about you two?" Joe asked, I sighed and nodded ''Uh oh be prepared for a lecture'' Joe said with a chuckle, I nodded and sighed bracing for the worst, ''Okay well we just came to check up on you. We'll see you later pumpkin be safe" Joe said,

I just smiled and nodded as him and Iris headed out and went back to doing whatever they were doing ''Pumpkin huh?" Leonard smirked ''Oh Shush your sister calls you Lenny'' I said blushing with embarrassment ''It's cute'' he said,

I rolled my eyes and smiled, ''When can I go home?" I complained, ''Well in your state tomorrow maybe'' Caitlyn said, ''ugh'' I said rolling my eyes which made Mick and Leonard smirk a bit. I sighed and looked at Barry still seeing him glare at Leonard and I. I threw my hands up with frustration "Damnit Barry if you have something to say, then fucking say it" I stated,

His eyes widen along with everyone else's. Barry rolled his eyes and walked in "Can you give us a second?" I asked Mick and Leo. They nodded and headed out glaring at Barry in the process. I carefully sat up and sighed as I hissed in pain "Barry come on man, you can't keep doing this to me" I said,

Barry looked confused if not hurt "What do you mean? Do what? I'm your older brother Luna. I'm just trying to protect you" he said, I scoffed "really? Protect me? Because from the last 12 years you haven't done shit. You weren't there for me, you never had time for me and the second I mention Leo, you flip your shit. Me and Joe yell at you countless times but you never listen so why the fuck should I explain myself to someone who never listens" I explained as I felt the tears welled up.

Barry's expression softened "Why Luna. Why him?" he asked, "Because he makes me feel something. He makes me feel like I'm worthy and special. He makes me happy, doesn't judge me and is always there for me when I need him...He has made me the happiest person I have been in years" I explained as tears fell from my face.

Barry sighed "but-" He started but I put my hand up "I swear to god you use that 'but he's a criminal schtick' I'm going to fucking scream. Barry Allen, I am 20 years old, I am an adult meaning I can date and love whoever the fuck I want and I don't care if him and Mick are criminals, I don't care what they do because you don't know them like I do, you don't know the pain they went thru as kids and they're only trying to cope...

You claim them as bad guys when really there's more to their story...Everyone deals with pain differently Barry and well why do you think I got so close to them? Because these past 12 years I have been in nothing but pain and they understood that; they understand me...

You broke dad's promise left me in the dust like I was nothing and him and Mick were the ones that picked me back up and made me feel something other than the depression and anxiety I felt every single day for the past 12 years...So I am sorry that I am such a disappointment to you and that I'm nothing but a worthless bother to you Barry but I love Leonard Snart and nothing is ever going to change that" I rambled as tears fell from my face,

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