II: Chasing Shadows

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A/N: Part II -Take Me Home Tonight

 Thinking all that life would be
When you're not around
I just could not find a way
I wouldn't even know up from down
But since I've had you in my life
All these can be found
So strong and true, baby
All comin' from you  


The Stackhouse Residence

The moment Jason slid into his chair; he was served an enormous platter of food with a large elegant glass of orange juice. Bacon, eggs, sausage, piles of fried potatoes; a tureen of fruit sat on ice to keep it chilled. The basket of rolls set before him would keep him full for a week.

Cooking was all Sookie could do to keep her mind preoccupied. And still, it didn't work. Jason appraised his sister as he began feasting on the rich food with ravenous hunger. The blonde stood at the kitchen window again, eyes on the newly paved driveway, that she held no interest in.

"Damn Sook, good food." The sound of his voice caused her to finally move away from the window and re-engage her sibling. She turned to observe her older brother eating like a caveman, taking massive bites of his meat rather than cutting it.

"Thanks..." She muttered, her voice trailing away, her head kept replaying what she saw the night before, the way he held her, kissed her. All while re-examining her last moments with Eric, what she said, what he said... She had reread his texts, her replies... always wondering what she should have done differently. In her heart, she knew there was another girl with her claws in him back then; now Tara has the nerve... her stomach turned at the thought.

"You okay Sis?" He asked, still eating his food like it was going out of style. He crammed it in thick and fast, consuming a meal that had taken an hour to cook in a matter of minutes. Sookie sat down and took a sip of her coffee.

"Yep, how was the party last night?" She knew he'd fucked up somehow, otherwise, why would Tara end up in the arms of her man.

"Lame! He shouted pieces of food flew out of his mouth. "No food, skunky beer, and stuck up chicks." He ate so noisily, then, showing no signs of embarrassment, he wiped his mouth on his sleeve and belched, "I don't think Pam invited any of her hot friends, Sophie and Jessica, never showed."

"She didn't invite me either," Sookie grumbled.

Pamela Northman always had the best parties, but Sookie was never invited to any. When she heard Eric would be visiting from New Orleans, she wanted to go so badly. Sookie never understood why Pam disliked her, and why she did not approve of her relationship with Eric. She couldn't help that Pam just didn't fit in with her group of friends, which happen to be the prettiest, most popular girls in school. Sookie made every attempt to make friends with her, and never joined in when Portia, Amelia or Dawn called her a 'weird-lesbo'. She did the same for Tara when she moved to Bon Temps. Sookie took an immediate liking to Tara and so did Pam. Tara was always the type that you either loved or hated and with that she could see why Tara and Pam became friends.

"Oh...yeah..." Jason replied, "well, trust me you missed nothing."

"I thought you went with Tara..." She asked incredulously.

"Yeah, but it wasn't like a date or nothing, I just gave her a ride."

"Did you give her a ride back home?" She knew he did not, and the image of the night before emerged, upsetting her even more.

"Uh, well- no...I..." he began.

"Well, how do you suppose she got home all the way from Sugarland Estates to Parker Square?" She cut him off.

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