Take Me Home Tonight

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A/N: (A/U ) Eric and Pam Northman were born and raised in Bon Temps, Louisiana. Eric is a college freshman at the University of New Orleans and his younger sister Pam just graduated from Bon Temps High and will be joining him next year. That's until Eric's life is turned upside down the night he meets Tara Thornton.

Song: Take Me Home Tonight - By Eddie Money ft. Ronnie Spector

I get frightened in all this darkness

I get nightmares I hate to sleep alone

I need some company a guardian angel

To keep me warm when the cold winds blow

I can feel you breathe

I can feel your heartbeat faster (Faster)

Take me home tonight

I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light


"Wanna talk about it?" Eric asked the pretty girl who had accompanied Jason Stackhouse to his sister's party in the backyard. Pam had briefly introduced them and he wasn't about to let her leave without at least getting her number. The dark-skinned beauty sat with her head hung low on the tree swing Eric and his dad built when he was a kid.

"No- I wanna drink-about it..." She replied gloomily pulling a silver flask from her jean jacket pocket. She was far too distraught to register his concern. After being humiliated by her drunken date, she retreated outside.

The moon shined down casting a soft glow on her flawless skin and the young man was taken by her stunning features despite her sad expression.

"Cool, can I have a sip..." He sat on the wooden swing next to her. He couldn't believe how stupid Jason Stackhouse is. The half-wit came to the party with the hottest girl in Bon Temps only to abandon her for a cheap bottle-blonde floozy.

Hell, the Stackhouse's were never known for their intelligence.

Tara took another swig and handed him the flask. "Suit yourself." She replied blankly, her head drooped while adroitly kicking the rocks beneath her tennis shoes.

Eric eagerly grabbed the bottle feeling the electricity as his fingertips lightly brush hers. He took a big swig and made a deep croaking noise, his eyes watered and his cheeks reddened.

Tara smiled and suppressed a chuckle.

"Whoa, that's whiskey!?" Eric puffed, then shuddered, as the sour fluid slowly burned his throat making its way into his gut.

"Yep, Jack Daniels. What did you think was in the flask?" Tara giggled softly and took another swig.

"I-I was thinking peach schnapps, fireball or something like that," Eric coyly chuckled, "something sweet..." while admiring how beautiful her smile is, and secretly patting himself on the back for being the cause of it.

"That's for lightweights." She giggled again, only this time her giggle was hearty. She turned her head to the side, making eye contact.

His wide icy-blue eyes captured her deep dark-sultry eyes and for several long moments, their gazes fell, unblinkingly upon one another.

The moment was interrupted by the sound of Pam's toy poodle barking and clawing in earnest at the screen door. Pam appeared at the patio door to let him out.

"Make it quick Pompei!" Pam shouted at her snowy-colored lapdog.

"Hi, Pam." Tara waved and Pam waved back. "Hi, Tara! Hey Eric, wanna another beer?"

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