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"Allison I swear to God, if you're not here I'm—" Rachel abruptly stopped speaking & vigorously knocking on the door in front of her as it swung open, a panicked Allison Argent taking its place

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"Allison I swear to God, if you're not here I'm—" Rachel abruptly stopped speaking & vigorously knocking on the door in front of her as it swung open, a panicked Allison Argent taking its place. "Thank fuck. I've been to Scott & Stiles' houses & neither are home. They won't even answer my texts. Have you seen either of them? Or Lydia, or Isaac, or literally anyone who might not look at me like I'm clinically insane when I tell them I ran into a demon an hour ago."

"Demon?" Allison questioned, her scared look only seeming to worsen.

"Technically it was a Japanese warrior demon, as far as I know." Rachel shrugged, as if it were nothing; over the past three hours the shock factor had worn off significantly, and she was left with more curiosity than anything. "That's exactly the type of look I was trying to avoid."

"What did it look like?"

"Allison, of all the questions you could ask me when I tell you I saw a freaking demon, the one you choose is what did it look like? The hell do you think it looked like? It had fluffy blonde hair & wore a tutu." The Hale girl remarked, rolling her eyes before taking the question more seriously. "Like an Oni. Dressed in all black, greenish yellow eyes that glowed like someone shoved fireflies in its head.. if you want specifics, Google it. Wikipedia has a shitload."

But Allison didn't need specifics, that was more than enough to confirm her suspicion. She grabbed Rachel's arm & pulled her inside the apartment, closing the door behind her. The shorter girl looked back at her friend with confusion, momentarily wondering if Allison had finally decided she'd had enough of the supernatural bullshit & planned to kill her— but that thought quickly passed as she overheard voices coming from another room.

"Dad!" Allison called, prompting a door to open & her father to step out. "She saw them too."

"Okay, back the crazy train up a station." Rachel cut in before Argent could say anything, looking between the two. Now she was the concerned one— it had taken her an three freaking hours to cool down from her encounter with the demon, and now she was freaked out again all thanks to Allison. She should've just called the Sheriff & found Stiles. "Them? As in, more than one?"

"Them implying five." Isaac commented from another doorway— Rachel had been too preoccupied by the fact that she wasn't the only one to run into a demon while out for a casual late night stroll to hear the door creak open. Beacon Hills just reached a whole new level of what the fuck; at this rate, Rachel was starting to miss the Kanima. "What did they do to you?"

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her brows. "There was only one, and it didn't do anything. It just stood there & stared at me like I was one of those stupid optical illusion things. It tried to come closer but before it could I screamed."

Rachel was leaving out the important details, and she knew without a doubt he could tell— something about the look in his eyes, he just knew. Her heart didn't skip a beat because she didn't lie, but Isaac knew her & he knew her well enough to know she knew how to withhold the truth in a way that was undetectable. It was a talent, really; and admittedly something he liked about her.

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