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Things were not going well for Rachel

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Things were not going well for Rachel.

Or anyone, for that matter. Due to an impending storm & the delay the traffic jam had caused, the cross country meet was postponed until tomorrow. Being that they'd already made a four hour trip to get this far & the sun was setting fast, Coach Finstock had made the executive decision to check them into the only place with enouch vacancies to house the entire bus full of students. Bates Motel.

There was some exaggeration there; the actual name of the motel was Glen Capri, but in Rachel's opinion, it may as well have been named after the classic movie's motel. The dimly lit, decrepit structure looked like the set of the next blockbuster horror— it was more than safe to say no one was going to sleep tonight.

"I've seen worse." Scott, who was standing beside Rachel staring at their new home for the next twelve hours, shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles gaped looking from his best friends to the poorly lit motel sign, which continued to flicker.

The sound of Coach Finstock's annoyingly loud whistle caught their attention for the thousandth time today, prompting everyone to gather around & wait for instructions. At least half of the crowd looked like they'd rather sleep on the bus than in the ratty old motel.

"Listen up!" He yelled loudly, silencing the last few whispers amongst the group. "This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves."

"Really feeling the love, Coach." Rachel remarked, rolling her eyes. She had a feeling she'd be doing that a lot on this trip, especially if Finstock continued to talk.

Coach Finstock ignored her comment, continuing, "you're pairing up, choose wisely." he held out a handful of keys, each with little numbered tags attached to them. "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

Now it was Finstock who was ignored. Students resumed their previous conversations as they took their turn collecting a room key, everyone pairing up within seconds as though they'd had it planned for weeks. Scott & Stiles were together as expected, as were Lydia & Allison, leaving Rachel as the odd one out of their little group of five.

"Great." Rachel exhaled loudly, her breath a light white cloud against the chilled night air.

She reluctantly walked up to Finstock & took a key before walking off towards the dilapidated structure. The tag read 212— it was one of the upper level rooms, around the middle of the motel. Oddly enough, Rachel was okay with it; there were people all around. At least someone would hear her scream if a psychopath decided to try & murder her.

Why am I even worried about that? Rachel thought to herself as she walked up the stairs to her room. It hadn't occured to her in awhile that she had nothing to fear. She was one of the monsters that lurked within dark shadows, one of the nightmares little children had. She was a supernatural abomination & while she hated it, she didn't hesitate to use it to her advantage whenever possible. She could become an alpha werewolf in the blink of an eye, she had power most could only dream of and she was troubled by a creepy motel. That said a lot about the Glen Capri.

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