16; shoot the messenger

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It was safe to say their problems were getting worse.

Lydia had gone into her fugue state yet again last night, leading the pack to discover another body. This time it was Tara Graeme, a deputy— yet another person who didn't deserve to die. Another person who had fallen victim to the Darach's demented practices. Another lost soul they were too late to save.

Derek still had yet to return to the loft, or even call to inform them he wasn't dead, but Cora & Rachel's lives had gone on as usual. Neither could stand to worry about him, or anyone else, anymore. The younger Hale twin hadn't even reacted when Rachel returned home & told her they'd found another body; it had become the new normal. Cora might have been surprised if they didn't find a body.

It was now the morning after they'd found the dead body, and already, Scott was on edge. How was Rachel able to know that, if she was back at the loft with her sister? He texted her at the crack of dawn, asking if she's go check on Allison & ensure she's safe.

New Message
From: McWeirdo
can u go check on allison

Rather than being woken by her alarm at 7:30, Rachel had been rudely disturbed nearly half an hour earlier than expected by that. Scott, being his usual self, was worrying far more than he should about Allison— and apparently since he was incapable of sending her a simple "you alive?" text like Rachel often sent her friends, he needed someone to check up on her. As if a fully trained werewolf hunter wasn't capable of protecting herself.

She almost told him to get Isaac to go instead, since the idea of letting Cora go to school alone after what had happened the last time she lost her for an hour wasn't the best (and the idea of getting her lazy ass out of bed wasn't one she even wanted to consider) but Rachel decided against it. She had tried & failed to fall back asleep, and Allison's apartment was on the way to school. Plus, she'd only be there for a few minutes; just long enough to make sure the huntress wasn't dead. Surely Cora wouldn't try to rip out Lydia's tongue in those few minutes.

Rachel knew she probably would if motivated, but that was Scott's problem now.

She found her way to Allison's apartment building by 7:30. Since doors weren't particularly her favourite mode of entrance when she knew someone who'd previously attempted to murder her multiple times would be most likely to answer, Rachel had opted to climb up to the window. With the werewolf abilities she'd acquired from her twin before leaving, it was easy— god, she missed being a werewolf.

Being whatever Lydia was gave her headaches. The only reason she kept that reflection so long was to try & help the strawberry blonde figure out more about her mysterious abilities, but it didn't end up going well. Hence why Rachel avoided reflecting supernatural creatures she didn't know a lot about. Being a werewolf was what she knew; what she'd spent the majority of her life as. It had its highs & lows, but it was who she was, regardless of how she became it.

At the moment, there was no high or low, however. Only a whole lot of regret. Rachel had climbed the damn building only to find Allison locked her windows— what kind of person locked their windows when they had a supernatural friend? Allison Argent, apparently. What did a girl who was taught to shoot first & ask questions later have to fear, anyway? Especially a good fifty feet off the ground. Rachel could have understood it if they were on the ground floor, but they were one away from the penthouse.

Now she was either going to have to climb back down, or— Rachel didn't even have time to finish her train of thought before the window was opened & she was yanked inside. By the time the girl was able to even comprehend what the hell had happened, she was on the floor & Allison was on top of her, holding a knife to her neck.

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