PART ONE - Intro + Playlist

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Remaining both physically & mentally intact within the confines of Beacon Hills wasn't always a struggle for Rachel Hale. There was a time when the town had been her home, a place she'd never so much as consider leaving for more than a short vacation. A time when she had a family, an actual home where she could feel safe at all times & a best friend she tell anything to. For awhile, Rachel was starting to believe she could have that again.

Her time in London had come to an end as the beginning of junior year neared, and for a whole week, Rachel had believed that maybe, just maybe, she'd be able to continue on with the normalcy she'd had for the past four months. Beacon Hills had supposedly been the epitome of boring for the entire duration of her absence, and Rachel had truly believed it would remain so in her presence. Her brother had moved into a new loft, she was starting junior year with her best friends & no one was trying to kill them- it was everything she could ask for.

But as the story goes, all good things must come to an end; especially when Rachel's friends & family are no longer the scariest things lurking in the shadows. New threats are in Beacon Hills & this time, they're a lot more sinister. An alpha pack wants Derek & they're willing to paint the town in the blood of everyone he cares about in order to get him; all while a dark druid is running about, adding to the body count with its ritualistic sacrifices. Innocent people are dying, time is running out & everyone seems to think Rachel holds the key to stopping it- unfortunately, they're forgetting a crucial piece of information.

Reflectors are just as breakable as their object counterparts.

Also known as the obviously obvious truth that I don't own Teen Wolf.


| Old Scars / Future Hearts • All Time Low | Still Here • Digital Daggers | Roses • The Chainsmokers | Gold • Adventure Club feat. Yuna | Dirty Little Secret • The All-American Rejects | Hope of Morning • Icon for Hire | This is War • Thirty Seconds to Mars | Tomorrow Never Dies • Five Seconds of Summer | Run For Your Life • The Fray | Friction • Imagine Dragons | Fight • All Good Things | Courtesy Call • Thousand Foot Krutch | Point of No Return • Starset | Shattered • Jillea |

Author's note:

I would just like to apologize for the mediocre playlist— I do quite like some of the songs on it, but most of the ones I really wanted to include are reserved for part two of this book, where things may or may not take a few turns & possibly a drop straight to hell. I did, however, find one song that is scarily relevant to this book just as I did with Unspoken (one relevant to UN is Things We Lost in the Fire by Bastille). It's Shattered by Jillea. Definitely take a few minutes to listen to it if you're interested in a few hints :~) I've included the video at the top ^^

The description may change a little bit in the future as this is based mainly on my outline of 3A & only touches on 3B towards the ending. I may end up doing a part two description (there's gonna be a divider part where i put a new playlist & lil sneak peek) but i'm not quite sure right yet. Also: chapters in this book are going to have names! Unspoken's chapters have always been named in my planning book & if i ever go edit it, I'm for sure going to add them in bc I actually really like half of them. Ps. I'm absolutely horrible at summaries which is why this took me three days (holy frick i'm sorry) to produce this mediocre thingamajig.

Anyways, I hope you don't hate this, I'd appreciate some opinions on it (kindly without roasting me though) :~)

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