"(Y/N), you and (Guy Friend's Name) will be getting married tomorrow in the afternoon."

You stare at your mother dully, nodding. "Yes, Mother."

"Farewell my love." He smiles and bows down, kissing the back of your hand once more.

Forcing a smile, you nod and begin to head upstairs. Your mother puts a hand out, "Stay here. I want to talk to you once we escort (Guy Friend's Name) out."

"Yes, Mother." You sigh, sitting back down on the leather sofa. Tears begin to brim your eyes, you knowing fully what's going to happen.

As you hear the final goodbyes, you quickly wipe your tears away. Your parents walk into the room, your mother sitting in front of you while your father sits beside you. He rubs your back slowly.

"What's wrong with you?!"

'Here it goes..'

"What are you, five? You didn't make a good impression at all. He might as well cancel the marriage because of your stupid behavior. Hey! Sit up straight and look at me!"

You oblige and stare at her with watery eyes. Your father continues to rub your back comfortingly. "Don't be so harsh on her.. no son or daughter would want to get an arranged marriage."

"(Y/N), for years and years.. the (Your Last Name) family has always done arranged marriages. We must continue doing that. My mother and father arranged my marriage. I was married at age 16 with your father. I didn't want to marry him, I didn't love him at all. But over the years, I learned to love your father. I believe that you can learn to love (Guy Friend's Name). He really is a wonderful man and you two have been friends for some time now."

"I don't understand.. why can't I marry someone who I truly love?" You close your mouth quickly, regretting the words that came out of your mouth.

She narrow her eyes, clicking her tongue. "Who is this man that you love? Is he of upper-class? Coming from a family that I've heard of?"

Your dad stares at you in surprise, "Why, who is this lucky man?"

You begin to play with your fingers, feeling pressured. Your dad notices and pulls you in for a side hug, mumbling. "I think I have an idea on who it is. If you want, you can tell me privately later."

"Oh, don't tell me! He's of lower-class, isn't he?"

You don't respond and lower your eyes to the floor. She laughs and stands up, shaking her head. "You're such a stupid girl. I can't believe I raised such a stupid girl." She paces the room, hands behind her back. "What's so special about this man? He isn't wealthy, most likely not good-looking either! (Guy Friend's Name) is perfect for you! He has the looks, the wealth, everything!"

"Don't make her marry him." Your dad tries to change your mother's mind. "Perhaps this man is a good man. Looks and wealth aren't needed! She loves this man. Why don't we give him a chance?"

"He's of lower-class, honey. Everybody will stay away from us if she marries a man of lower-class. She should feel lucky to have so many wealthy and good-looking men wanting her!" She sits back down and rubs her temple, looking at you. "Who is this man?"

You stare directly at her and head held high, you say "(C/N)."

Your mother laughs, standing up. "You're joking! HIM?! HIM, of all people?! He's only a butler! I can't believe you fell in love with your personal butler! Unbelievable! Tell me the truth. Who is this man?"

"It's (C/N), Mother." You say quietly, lowering your eyes.

"HAH! I'm going to be outside in the garden. Come out when you're ready to tell me who you really love. Hilarious!" She storms out as the front door slams shut.

"I knew it.." Your father whispers, kissing your hair.

"How?" You look at him in shock. "I wasn't.. obvious, was I?"

He chuckles, "Well.. to others.. no, you weren't. But to me, yes. I would always see you visiting him out in the garden, starting a conversation."

You sigh, "He doesn't love me back."

"Nonsense!" He laughs. "That's what you think dear. You haven't been hearing what the maids are talking about?"

You shake your head. He sighs, holding your hand. "(C/N) loves you very much. A maid asked him how he feels about you and he hesitated for a moment before saying, 'I love my lady, but I can't be with her.' Sarah never knew about this because your mother ordered the maids to not say a single thing to her. Your mother knows that Sarah will end up telling you anyways."

"I see.." You sigh.

"I think that (C/N) is a wonderful man, I really do. I'll try my very best to convince your mother to change her mind, alright? If it doesn't work.." He gives you a sad look, kissing your forehead.

"Thank you, Dad.." You wipe your tears and sniff, hugging him tightly.


*knock knock*

"Come in..." You mumble into your pillow, sniffing.

"My lady."

You sit up and wipe your wet face with the back of your hand. "Sorry, I look horrid I know. What do you need?"

He pokes his head out the door and looks around before shutting the door and locking it. Your eyes widen, "Is everything-"

(C/N) waves his white-gloved hands back and forth, shaking his head. "My lady, I assure you that I won't be doing anything inappropriate. I just wanted to check on you and have a little talk."

"I-I wasn't thinking that you were going to do that sort of thing.."

His face slowly turns pink. Clearing his throat he says, "Oh. I apologize my lady, I just thought-"

You smile and move to the edge of the bed. Patting an empty space next to you, you say "You can sit here if you would like to."

"Thank you, my lady." He sits next to you and clears his throat. "I just wanted to say that you looked really beautiful earlier. You still do, of course."

"Even though I look like a mess right now?" You laugh, tugging at your dress.

"Yes, you're always beautiful. Especially when you look like a, as you said, 'mess.'" He replies back. Before you can thank him, he quickly asks "You're getting married to him.. when?"

"Tomorrow.. in the afternoon." You say quietly, blushing a bit from what he said.

He forces a smile, "That's.. wonderful news my lady. I'm happy for the two of you."

"I'm not.. happy." Tears begin to spill out as you tell him everything. "I don't love him. I never have, never will. I don't want to marry him. I love.. you. I want to marry you. My heart shattered when Mother told me that I'm going to get married to (Guy Friend's Name). It hurts so much.. I can't do anything about it. But gosh.. I was so surprised when Father told me that you love me back. I never knew.. I've always thought that you hated me-"

He turns your head to face him and quickly presses his lips against yours. Pulling back, you stare into his eyes that are filled with pain. (C/N) runs a white-gloved hand through his hair and sighs, "I don't hate you. I want to marry you too, it's just that we can't. I'm of lower-class, you're of upper-class. Your mother hates me, you know that. It hurts me. I love you very much, (Y/N)."

Your eyes widen in surprise. It's his first time calling you by your name. "Let's.. run away together!"

"You do know that there are guards patrolling the areas, right?" He sighs, staring down at his lap. "At least.. promise me something."

He cups your face and forces a smile, "Be happy.. for me."


"You may now kiss the bride!"

Everybody gave a round of applause as he kisses you. As you two turn to face the crowd, your eyes begin to water. With a broken heart, you force a smile and stare at the man who you truly love. The man who helped you understand what love really is. He stares at you back, smiling painfully.

"Be happy.. for me, my lady."

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