10 Reasons♡

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"Yes Mom.. I'll be going now.." You sigh and end the phone call.

You groan, getting out of bed. "Ugh.. 7 in the morning.."


Once you're done with everything, you grab the checklist off the kitchen table and read through every item that your mom needs. "Seriously? I thought she bought eggs last week."

You open the front door and see a cute jar that's nicely decorated. You bend down and pick up the jar, opening it. "Eh?"

Inside, there's a bunch of colorful paper strips that are stapled together. Taking the strips out, you read the first one: 10 Reasons Why I Love You.

You smile, knowing who this is from. You met (C/N) in preschool and both of you are now best friends. You two have a thing where every month, you would make a gift for him and he would make a gift for you. You already gave him his gift last week, which was a small photo album of the two of you from when you both were little to now.

You continue reading the colorful paper strips, smiling through each one.

1. You're supportive.

2. Your smile is beautiful.

3. Your hugs are the best.

4. You make me smile and laugh.

5. You're funny, well sorta. Your jokes are pretty bad.

6. You know me and understand me.

7. You make me happy.

8. You're pretty good at cooking. Ramen and heating up food in the microwave counts, right?

9. Your personality, I just love it.

10. You're you ♡

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