Chapter 18 - Prevailed

Start from the beginning

A flurry of wind and snow smacked right into Ky's chest, sending him stumbling back from the impact. Before Ky could regain his balance, Stacey punched the air, sending another elemental blow towards him. This time, the blow knocked him off his feet.

"Get her!" Ky roared with an accusing finger.

The elite guard raised his weapon and a small flame ignited on the spearhead. He began charging towards her quickly and she gasped at the sight of flames. Her mind panicked, and she stayed frozen to the spot. She could defeat a corrupted subzero keeper but as soon as even a small ember was in sight, her bravery would be reduced to ashes.

The elite guard was now only a few seconds away from striking her. Stacey felt her heart pounding wildly, still unable to move or even risk breathing. The hot flames hypnotised her in fear. The same element that killed her parents and scorched her boyfriend was going to get her next.

"Snap out of it, sis!" A weight was suddenly forced onto her shoulder and Stacey was shoved to the side.

The flaming spearhead collided with David's outstretched hand, which was encased in ice. Swiftly, he grabbed hold of the spear with his other hand and kicked the wielder in the chest with an icy foot. Stacey watched as the guard let go of the spear and take a step back from the momentum of her brother's kick. He looked more annoyed than hurt.

David tossed the spear to his side and charged towards his target with fists flying. The elite guard dodged the first blow but failed to avoid the second attack. A fist connected with his head and he fell to the ground unconscious. "Knock out!"

Stacey rolled her eyes at her brother and stood to her feet. Estella was helping Cody stand by placing his arm over her shoulders for physical support, an action that she did not really approve of but she shrugged it off. The four teenagers glared in Ky's direction.

"Why, I'm most impressed!" Ky clapped his hands slowly. "You've defeated my elite guards and overcame my attempt to freeze you to death."

"Give up Ky! It's four against one. And don't even try subzeroing us again," Stacey warned.

"Wasn't planning on it. Not after your little blizzard trick." Ky grabbed a sword from behind the throne. "Unfortunately for you, I'm a pretty good swordsman. And even though I might be outnumbered, you're all exhausted," he sneered.

Stacey knew he was right. David looked so tired that he could collapse at any moment and Cody was badly injured. To make matters worse, her energy had been drained from channelling Ky's power into her own. There was still Estella, but she did not strike her as a strong fighter. She was more of a strategist or the brains of an operation. Still, they could not just give up. "We'll see about that!" She made a circling motion with her arms and shot both arms forward.

An icy breeze flew in Ky's direction, but he took a step to the left and the harmless wind flew past him. "Is that all you've got?" He raised an eyebrow mockingly at her and began walking confidently towards them.

"I don't think I can..." David collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. His glacial armour had left him.

"He was already tired from the battle against Ky's goons before. He pushed himself past his limits," Estella explained.

Stacey could not blame him. She was also too weak to fight. She glanced at Cody, who was still being assisted by Estella. He caught her gaze and managed a smile, but his eyes revealed defeat. "Estella... do you think—"

"I'll try." Estella moved to her side and placed Cody's arm around Stacey instead. "Um, take care of your boyfriend." She raised her spear and took a brave step forward towards Ky. Stacey could see that her legs were trembling, and Ky did not seem worried about her. In fact, he had an amused grin on his face. Sicko.

Ky began taking confident steps toward Estella. "So, the powerless girl dares to challenge me. How entertaining."

Estella brandished her spear. "Who you are calling powerless?"

The corrupt subzero keeper charged and swung his sword at her. Concentrating hard, she used her weapon to block the attack, but Ky was not done yet. He continued to unleash a series of relentless swings. Poor Estella had to rapidly position her spear to protect herself from the blows. Every few swings had resulted in Estella taking a step backwards. Ky was striking too fast for her to make an offensive move of her own.

Estella gritted her teeth. "Um, a little help here?" She took another step back.

"Tired already?" Ky mocked.

"Nope. How about you? You're doing all the work here."

Stacey knew that she was lying. Estella's movement was slowing down slightly. Another minute of blocking Ky's attacks and she would eventually be struck. She observed Ky, but he showed no sign of exhaustion. How is he not slowing down by now? His arm should be dead from all the swinging. She balled her hand into a fist. Stacey wanted to help, but her boyfriend needed her physical support and she was too weak to even summon a small icy breeze.

"Stacey," Cody croaked beside her. At that moment, Ky swung hard at Estella's weapon, sending it flying out of her hands. She swore and took a few cautious steps away from Ky.

Her heart was pounding wildly, but Stacey managed to look at Cody. "Y-Yeah?" Ky swooped forward and kicked Estella in the stomach. She stumbled to the ground with a groan and David shouted something from the back.

"Whatever happens to us, I love you."

Ky turned and stared at her right in the eye with a murderous expression. He raised his sword and started walking towards her. Stacey gripped Cody's uninjured hand tight. "I love you too," she whispered back. I guess this is it for us, she thought grimly. She held Cody tighter and squeezed her eyes shut as Ky's footsteps could be heard only a few metres away from them now.

Without warning, the doors behind them flew opened abruptly and in charged half a dozen Keepers of Ice, one of which was Stone. Two of them made swirling motions with their hands and brought their palm outward towards Ky, sending two gusts of freezing winds towards him.

"Give up Ky! You've lost." Stone leapt forward with his deadly battle axe raised. Ky quickly recovered from the sudden turn of events and attempted to parry Stone's attack. Their weapons clashed together as they stared each other down. Using both arms, Stone gripped his battle axe tight and swung from the side, skilfully whacking Ky's sword out of his hands.

"This isn't over!" Ky took a few swift steps backwards and brought out his arms in a familiar pose.

Stacey heard her brother groan. He had managed to get into a sitting position. "Not this time." Shards shot past her at lightning speed, causing her to flinch. A cry of pain came shortly after. She turned in Ky's direction and saw bleeding hands and an enraged expression.

Stone seized the opportunity and smacked Ky across the head with the blunt end of his battle-axe. It was hard enough to shut him up temporarily. "Oh, it's over," Stone said as he watched his target collapse to the floor.

Some of the Keepers of Ice were helping David and Estella to their feet and Stacey watched with shock. I can't believe we've won. We've actually prevailed against Order and Ky. Now that the worst was over, relief flooded into Stacey, followed by fatigue. With a yawn, her eyes became droopy and she found herself falling asleep from exhaustion. Someone caught her before she could fall and helped her to lie down. "I got you, babe." Then everything went dark and Stacey fell into a deep sleep.

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