Chapter 11 - Ambushed

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He could not fall asleep as his mind was too active thinking about the day. The intense physical axe training with Stone had left David with aching muscles and sore arms, but it had also left him feeling satisfied with his combat improvement. He had also learned some new ice techniques that were more for offensive purposes. As he laid down in the same bed and tent that he had woken up from this morning, he thought of what the next day would bring. A few hours ago, everyone in the campsite including his guardians, Estella, Stone and Dianne and the other Keepers of Ice had gathered around a campfire smoking fish for dinner and discussing battle strategies against Order. The only people missing were Cody and his sister, which he found suspicious.

Eventually, his mind soon became tired and he began to close his eyes. Everything was peaceful and quiet until an ear-piercing scream ripped through the cool air. David's eyes shot open in shock and quickly got up. He had recognised that voice, and he stormed out of his tent with his new battle-axe in hand. "Ella!"

People had begun to wake up and stir from their huge tents, but David knew his friend was in trouble and that he had to be quick. He heard her cry for help again and followed the direction of her voice. He soon came across Estella's tent, and standing outside were about three adults in dark clothing. One of them had pulled a sackcloth over Estella's head and was carrying her on his back. More Order goons... but what do they want with her?

Enraged, David grew a protective layer of ice and raised his mean-looking weapon. "Hey, let her go!"

He was greeted with a flying arrow, but it bounced harmlessly off his chest. He charged at the trio and swung his axe strongly at one of them. His target dodged the blow and countered with a kick that sent David flying a few metres away. The goon that had Estella on his back ran off in a different direction while the other two charged towards him.

Time to try out some new moves, he thought excitedly. "You asked for it," David announced with a grin. He balled his free hand into a fist and punched the air in front of him. Sharp shards made entirely of ice shot out of his fist and dug into one of his pursuers' leg, causing him to trip and groan in pain. The other goon raised his sword and sliced at him, but David was already up and dodged the attack with ease. He swung his axe once again and this time it made contact with his target. He had struck the goon in the chest and blood gushed out as he fell to the ground in defeat. He was not dead, but he would be in no condition to fight anytime soon.

David left the two of them and sprinted towards where the third goon had run off. From all around the campsite, he could hear sounds of metal against metal and a few shouts here and there. He now realised that there were a lot more members of Order attacking the campsite. The Keepers of Ice had been ambushed.

As much as he wanted to find his guardians and sister and protect them, he had to focus on his objective first. He soon caught up with Estella's captive and as soon as he was in sight, David shot ice shards at his legs that sent him tumbling down. However, it had also sent Estella sprawling in another direction and she yelped in surprise.

"You brat!" the goon yelled as he quickly recovered and charged at David with a dagger.

David underestimated his opponent and missed his axe swing, which resulted in the enemy getting a chance to punch him to the ground. They wrestled in the snow for a while but David's attacker was stronger. Soon, David was pinned down and the goon had his dagger raised menacingly in front of his face.

"You ice freaks may have body armour, but I can still stab your eyes out!" the goon said with a maniacal grin.

David was horrified and struggled for control, but he was no match for his opponent. Just when he thought all was lost, someone whacked the goon across the head with a spear and he collapsed to the side unconscious. A hand reached out to help him up and even though he was still shocked, he felt relieved. "Ella, you saved my life."

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