Chapter 13 - Embraced

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David was having trouble keeping calm. An all-out attack on Order was only one day away. The Keepers of Ice were going to divide into two teams and conquer the two remaining bases tomorrow. As for now, they were preparing for war, and David was on his way to train with Stone as he still had much to learn.

He carried his shield on his back and gripped his battle-axe tightly with his right arm. They had taken the first bunker by surprise, but Order would surely be ready to defend at all costs tomorrow. His sister had been injured two days ago, and the fear of losing her to the same organisation that had murdered his parents scared him. No. I won't allow it. I'll protect Stacey at all costs.

"You're late." Stone had his arms crossed. His foot was tapping impatiently on the ground.

David approached him with a sheepish grin. "Oh, great master of ice magic, please forgive me for being..." David glanced at his watch, "six minutes late."

Stone was not impressed. "Cut the crap, David. Firstly, it's not even magic. It's cryo-science."

"Cryo-science? Is that even a thing?"

"Secondly, it's time to get serious. Tomorrow will decide the future of Polarfrost. And if we lose, it won't be a good one."

David sighed. "Sorry. I'm just a little nervous that's all."

Stone's facial features seemed to relax, and he even managed a knowing smile. "Well, you're not alone. Now, how are you doing with the new shield I gave you the first time we trained?"

David grabbed his shield from his back. "It's a little heavy, but it's good for holding my ground. Although... I can't really use my ice powers with my other hand holding an axe."

"That's why I'm going to teach you to use your feet today."

"Feet? Did I hear that right?"

"Skilled glacial keepers utilise their feet in combat when their hands are occupied. Now, pay attention." Stone had his feet spaced evenly apart with his hands behind his back. He lifted his right foot as if to take a big step forward and slammed it on the ground in front of him. Immediately, huge shards of ice half the size of a regular human broke out from the ground in a straight line.

David's eyes widened. "That's awesome! Why didn't you teach me this earlier?"

"It's a difficult move to master and it's highly dangerous. Aim in the wrong direction and you might end up impaling an unknowing friend in combat."


Stone frowned. "No, not cool!"

"I wasn't referring to the impaling an unknowing friend part," David could not help but smile.

"Oh. In that case, let us proceed. Today you will only use your legs for your ice abilities whilst holding your shield and axe with your hands. It's good practice."

"Ready when you are." David raised his combat equipment and placed his feet firmly on the ground. If only you could watch me now Dad. Then again, maybe you already are.

❄ ❄ ❄

David sat at the campfire with the others trying to finish his fish on a stick. Lunchtimes in Polarfrost were always the same, and he was starting to miss fish and chips back on Earth. Still, he was hungry after all the training with Stone and he ended up going for a second round.

The fire faltered, which was no surprise to David. "Brr, it's cold!" Aunt Yvonne exclaimed. Even with the frost necklace, the frigid winds were not popular among non-keepers.

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