Chapter 5 - Pursued

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David started his second day at camp by falling off his top bunk bed and landing on the cold, hard floor. He cursed under his breath and forced his aching limbs to help him back on his feet. Even though he was healthy and fit, his leg muscles still hurt from yesterday's strenuous rock-climbing activity.

Jackson was the only one awake to notice David's fall. "Whoa, what happened there mate?" he asked.

David could tell that Jackson was trying to hold back a laugh. "I had a nightmare and I guess when I woke up, I overreacted and rolled over the bed. Stupid thing has no fences to keep me from falling off," David explained as he glared at his bunk bed.

"What was the nightmare about? Zombies? Ghosts?" Jackson asked playfully.

A frown crept its way to David's face. "Actually, it was about me being chased by clowns. Scariest nightmare I've had in a while."

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"Listen up, Cinna cabin dwellers. Your first activity for today will be a scavenger hunt around the campsite and surrounding forest. There are ten clues, and the first clue I will soon give out to each group. Each clue will provide a hint on the whereabouts of the next clue, and the final clue will lead the successful group to the treasure. Red flags will mark the boundaries of the area where you are not to go past. Anyone caught going past these flags will be disqualified and will help with kitchen duty tonight. Are there any questions?" Gary spoke with a commanding tone.

"How big are the groups?" a boy yelled out from the surrounding crowd of year nine students.

"Why are our cabins named Cinna? Was it named after a person or something?" a girl asked.

"What is the treasure? Is it a thousand dollars in cash?" another boy joked.

"Okay, settle down." Gary shook his head as if regretting his question. "The groups will consist of two to three people, but you are to stay together at all times. If anything happens, alert the staff or one of your teachers immediately. Your teachers will be allocated a small area each just in case. In addition, 'Cinna' stands for 'Cinnamon'. We're a spice-obsessed camp after all. Finally, the prize is not a thousand dollars, it will be something better." Gary said the last part with a cheeky grin. "Without further ado, get yourselves into groups, or I'll put you into a group if you have not sorted yourselves yet after five minutes."

As the crowd hustled around noisily, David stood his ground and looked around the area for someone he could work with. Estella, who was only about five metres away, locked eye contact with him before making her way towards David. He did not mind pairing up with her but wondered why she wanted to hang out with a new kid so much. Where were her other friends? She has been in this school a lot longer than I have...

"Hey... have you found a group yet?" she asked shyly.

David shook his head. "Nope. I don't really know most of the people in my year level."

"Oh. Well... want to pair up with me then?" Estella seemed to be blushing slightly.

"I don't mind." He paused. "I mean, sure thing Estella."

He noticed how her face had lit up instantly. "Thanks, David! And call me Ella by the way." She winked with a cheerful grin.

"Time's up! For all the people who haven't found someone to team up with, go to Eric and he'll randomly pair you up with someone." Gary pointed at Eric, who was standing about five metres away from him. "As for the rest of you, I will hand out the first clue and as soon as you receive it, you may get started. Have fun and good luck!"

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