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The war in Star City still raged on. Green Arrow came running out of the apartment building firing explosive arrows at the Transformers. He ran back into the greenhouse.

Spartan: You ok?

Green Arrow: Yeah.

White Canary: We seriously need back up here!

Hound and Bumblebee separated, Hound staying with Green Arrow and the others and Bumblebee helping throughout the city. A blast hit The greenhouse blowing Green Arrow, Spartan and White Canary out of it. White Canary had a shard of glass in her shoulder. Oliver's hood and eye mask were ripped. he pulled down his hood and took off his eye mask. He picked up his bow but realised his quiver was blasted off from the explosion. John pulled off his helmet mask as it was damaged. They went over to White Canary.

White Canary: My shoulder!

John: I'll stay with her, go!

Oliver left the both of them to help Hound fight off Unicron's Transformers. Hound used every gun and bullet on him.

Hound: I'm running out of guns and Ammo! Come on Oliver shoot!

Oliver took out his alien gun strapped to his back and began firing. Hound pulled out two swords and began swinging.

Hound: I'm like a Fat ballerina. That's shoots rounds and slits throats. 

Oliver fired at any Transformer he could taking them down.

Hound: I'm a wicked warrior robot!

A transformer tackled Hound to the ground. Oliver ran over shooting the Transformers head off.

Hound: Get off me bitch!

Hound pushed the Transformer off and he and Oliver began taking out as many Transformers as they could.

Hound: Good shooting Oliver!

Hound jumped pulling out his last gun.

Hound: Come And Get Some. You're All Gonna Die!

The breach opened and the heroes came through. Hound took out a knife.

Hound: Got your fortune cookie here!

Hound stabbed a Transformer in the face with the knife. Hound ran out of guns and started using whatever he could to take down the Transformers.

Hound: Got some bad news Oliver! I'm out of ammo! Out of ideas!

The other heroes ran over to John and White Canary.

Flash: You alright!

John: She's wounded!

Bumblebee came driving over.

Flash: Bumblebee!

Bumblebee parked right beside them. He took White Canary and Vixen.

Flash: Bee get them to safety.

Bumblebee drove off.

John: the recruits have gone to the other side of the city.

Flash: Kid Flash, Jessie, Speedy, Atom and Firestorm go help the others.

The four of them went off to the other side of the city.

Hound kicked shot up the last Transformer but was shot to the ground. Oliver ran over to him. 

Oliver: You gotta get up Hound!

Hound: I Can't go on.

Oliver: any minute now more of them are gonna come if you don't get up and fight we die so let's go!

The others ran over to Oliver and Hound.

Oliver: Guys!

Flash: Oliver you alright?

Oliver: yeah, I love this alien gun. we defeated off the first wave here. But that piece of alien planet keeps shooting out Transformers. We are gonna need some serious back up!

Flash: We got Optimus back on our side. He'll be here soon. We just have to hold them off for as long as we can.

IN THE ISLES OF SCOTLAND........................................

Optimus got up. he took off his armour. Crosshairs and Drift went down to him. The Dominator prison ship crashed beside them.

Crosshairs: You alright Prime?

Optimus: I'm alright. We have to get back to Star City. those humans are in trouble.

Crosshairs: Oh forget it! those humans tried to kill us at one point! I say that get what they deserve! What's the play Prime?

Optimus: it's time for Reinforcements!

Optimus went through his scattered armour and picked up his sword.

Optimus: Recognise One Of Your Nights!

the Sword glowed a silver colour. Optimus ran into the prison ship and went to three very large cells and saw the things in them.

Optimus: The Legend Exists!

Optimus walked back out of the ship with four 70 foot silver Transformers.

Crosshairs: Oh boy! you've got to be kidding me!

Optimus turned to the four large transformers.

Optimus: Legendary Warriors. The powers that created us, now want us all extinguished. We must stand together or forever be their slaves. we must join forces! So today I ask you to stand with us stand against me!

One of the four Transformers started fighting Optimus.

Crosshairs: we'll let Prime figure this one out.

Drift: Very wise.

Crosshairs: Nope, No way!.

Optimus dodged the Transformers hits.

Optimus: Only together can we be free!

Optimus jumped up punching the Transformer in the face.

Optimus: let me lead you!

The Transformer transformed into a Large silver T-Rex.

Crosshairs: Wow! that's new!

Drift: I was expecting a giant car!

The T-Rex Transformer ran at Optimus.

Optimus: We're giving you freedom!

Optimus hit the Transformer T-Rex away. Optimus walked over to the T-Rex and put it's sword to its neck.

Optimus: You Defend my family! or die!

The T-Rex complied and Optimus climbed on its back. the other three Transformers transformed into a Triceratops, Velociraptor and a two headed Pterodactyl.

Crosshairs: Oh you just wanna die for the guy! That's leadership or brainwash or something!

Drift: No.......That is Optimus Prime!

Optimus: Autobots! We charge together! Now Role out!

They used their combined powers to teleport back to Star City! 

Heroes And Justice (Sequel to Vengeance Of StoryBrooke)Where stories live. Discover now