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The Aliens ran passed the heroes and disappeared into the woods.

Jax: What The hell is going on?!

Barry: I don't know. what were they?

Oliver: Aliens?

Supergirl: They're called The Dominators to some planets, to others they're called The Invaders.

Barry: Invaders?

Emma: like the message you sent.

Just then another breach opened. John, Thea, Curtis, Rory, Rene, Evelyn, Jesse, Wally, Joe, Harry, Felicity and Iris came through it.

Iris: Barry!

Barry: Iris!

Barry and Iris hugged. Team Arrow went over to Oliver.

Felicity: you're ok.

Oliver: Always.

John: we thought we lost you man.

Oliver: Well I'm ok. but not for long. We have a new problem on our hands.

They All grouped in.

Barry: Look I know we all know some familiar faces and others we don't. But first off guys This is Kara Danvers on her earth she is also known as Supergirl.

Jax: what makes her so super?

Kara flew in the air and laser eyed the ground making the symbol on her chest.

Ray: I'm Convinced.

Kara landed back on the ground.

Emma: well hi I'm Emma Swan that's Regina Mills don't want to get into too much detail about it but we basically have magic. and you all are...?

Barry: Oh well that's Oliver and his team, my team and The Legends Of Tomorrow.

Emma: and you all have super hero names.

Oliver: Green Arrow

John: Spartan.

Thea: Speedy.

Rene: Wild-Dog.

Evelyn: Artemis.

Rory: Ragman.

Curtis: Mister Terrific.

Cisco: Vibe.

 Sara: White Canary.

Jax and Martin: Firestorm

Ray: The Atom.

Mick: Heatwave,

Nate: Citizen Steel.

Amaya: Vixen.

Felicity: OverWatch.

Jesse: Jesse Quick.

Wally: Kid Flash.

Caitlin: Caitlin Snow.

Harry: Harrison Wells, but people call me Harry.

Iris: Iris West.

Joe: Joe West.

Barry: Now that we're all acquainted. Who are the Dominators?

They went inside to the station.

Kara: The Dominators are an ancient race of intelligent beings, They're like the aliens from Independence Day, except they don't extract natural resources, they extract living beings for intelligence, weapons, weaknesses and sometimes they take over a planet.

Emma: How do you know all of this?

Kara: I'm an alien.

the room went silent.

Ray: I'm Convinced.

Sara: but that doesn't explain what brought us all together.

Barry looked out the window and saw light Blue lightning rush passed them.

Barry: you guys see that?

Oliver: See what?

Barry sped out of the station, Jesse and Wally followed. they stopped in the middle of the street.  

Wally: Barry what did you see?

the blue lightning hit Barry and revealed it to be a large figure in a suit of armour with blue glowing eyes. the figure held Barry against the wall.

Barry: Who Are You?!

Figure: Savitar. The God Of Speed.

Wally and Jesse sped towards Savitar. Savitar threw Barry up in the air and hit Wally and Jesse away then grabbed Barry again pinning him against the wall.

Savitar: You may serve the Speed Force Flash but I wrote it, because I am a god and you are just a man! let's go for a run.

Savitar sped off holding Barry. they were moving so fast that they travelled Through The Speed Force which was a blue tunnel of energy and lightning Savitar stopped in the woods throwing Barry halfway across it. Savitar grabbed Barry by the neck and held him to his knees.

Savitar: I sent The Dominators to your earth Flash! and brought you and your friends here so you could be out of the way! When The Dominators finish your world I will take it for my own and rebuild it the way it was.

Cisco, Mick and Oliver came through a breach. Mick fired his Heat-gun at Savitar.

Mick: Burn Megatron Burn!

Savitar sped away. Oliver ran over to Barry.

Oliver: you alright?

Barry: yeah.

Cisco: what the hell was that thing?

Barry: A new problem. 

Heroes And Justice (Sequel to Vengeance Of StoryBrooke)Where stories live. Discover now