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Optimus' blade almost hit Bumblebees chest when Supergirl flew in catching the blade throwing Optimus off of Bumblebee. 

Kara: move!

Bumblebee turned into a car, Nate got in him and they drove over to Sara and Robbie. Kara hit Optimus away before flying away from him with Bumblebee and the others off of the ship. The Ship began to descend from our atmosphere back into space. They Returned  to the hangar.

Oliver: You guys alright?

Sara: We're good.

Drift: Sensei must be under The Dominators control.

Sara: Something else.

Kara: Yeah Sara and I found a control room giving off location Unicron. by the looks of it.

Sara: it'll be here in a matter of days.

Barry: and we have no way to stop this thing.

Felicity, Cisco and Harry came running to them.

Felicity: That may not be true!

Cisco: yeah.

Oliver: How?

Felicity: Well, we all looked through some stuff that happened over the last few years.

Cisco: and found nothing. But then Harry had a brilliant point.

Harry: What if we have to go back further.

Ray: How far?

Felicity: The time of King Arthur far.

Martin: The old tales of King Arthur had no historical remarks that would seem unordinary.

Cisco: You see that's where you're wrong. Because of our three brilliant minds we were able to dig a bit further.

Harry: And we found secret messaged letters and recorded journals from Arthur himself.

Felicity: And one these secret journal recordings were of an object that fell from the sky, An object of great purpose and strength. Arthur christened this weapon as Excalibur.

Jax: Wait are you saying Excalibur is real?

Cisco: Maybe.

Hound: That would make sense. there were old tales of an ancient weapon that could destroy Unicron, But it was lost in the far reaches of space.

Felicity: And the one man who has been studying this weapon and knowledge of how to use this weapon is Sir Edmund Burke, a professor at Oxford University now living in London.  And The only known recorded history of Excalibur's location is guess where....The Star City Museum.

Barry: Alright, I'll go to London visit this guy.

Emma: I'll go to.

Martin: I believe Jefferson and I would be of assistance to you.

Mick: Never been to London. sounds fun.

Oliver: We'll go back to Star City and see if we can find this location. pack your gear, you leave tomorrow.

Kara went into a washroom in the hangar. she looked down at her chest still seeing the gaping hole with blood stains on it. she removed her suit leaving her in a grey tank top and grey shorts. she stuck her suit in one of the washing machines in the washroom. Sara stood by the door.

Sara: You ok?

Kara: Yep I'm fine.

Sara: Look what happened on the ship..

Kara: Is something I don't want to talk about. I was dying and delirious.

Sara: How long are you going to use that excuse. Look when I found out I was...

Kara: Gay?

Sara: Yeah. It was weird, and unsettling at first, but it gets better.

Kara: Really? because right now I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't know what I am right now.

Kara began to tear up. Sara walked over to her and hugged her.

Sara: Hey it's ok. Look you need space, it's take time, but I want you to know that when you're ready you can trust me and everyone out there, you deserve to be who you want to be.

Sara kissed Kara's forehead.

Sara: Get some rest.

Sara walked out of the washroom. Kara put her hands on top of the washing machine and took  a deep breath.

Kara: How am I going to tell Alex this?


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