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My Name Is Kara Zor-el. When I was a child my planet Krypton was dying, I was sent to earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off course and by the time I got there my cousin had already grown and become...Superman! so I hid my powers, until recently I was forced to reveal myself to the world, to most people I'm a reporter at Catco worldwide media but secretly I work with my adoptive sister tracking down alien life and anyone who means to cause it harm. I am Supergirl.

Supergirl and J'onn Jonnz flew through National City. they turned on their communication links to Winn who was in The DEO building in the centre of the city.

Supergirl: explain to me again Winn, what is this thing?

Winn: it looks like a portal of some sorts, it's giving off a hella ton of weird frequency.

J'onn: alien frequency?

Winn: maybe. But and also freaky mysterious portal here is giving off a large magnetic field.

Supergirl: Thanks Winn.

Supergirl and J'onn landed a small distance away from the portal. the street was cleared.

J'onn: this is odd.

Supergirl: what do you mean?

J'onn: my Martian senses are picking up the frequency of that portal.

Supergirl: what does that mean?

J'onn: I think the frequency is language.

Winn: you would be correct. Holy Cow, It's translating.

Supergirl: what's it saying.

Winn: We Are Coming. Spooky.

J'onn: The Magnetic field is starting to pull us in.

Supergirl and J'onn started to fly away but the magnetic field was too strong. Supergirl grabbed J'onn and threw him out of the portal's magnetic field.

J'onn: Kara No!

Supergirl: tell Alex...

J'onn: No!

Supergirl fell into the portal and it closed. J'onn flew back to The DEO and shape-shifted into his alter ego Hank Henshaw. Kara (Supergirl)'s adoptive sister Alex who works at The DEO ran in.

Alex: what happened? where's Kara?

everyone went dead silent. Hank walked over to Alex.

Hank: Winn detected a portal downtown and we went to investigate and it had magnetic field and Kara...she got...I'm so sorry Alex.

Alex cried into Hank's arms. Winn sat in his chair slightly bending down. he put his hand over his mouth as the tears began to roll down his face. until they heard beeping from Winn's computer.

Alex: what is that?

Winn: it's Kara's heat signature from her suit. I'm reading one.

Alex: which means..

J'onn: she's still alive.

Alex: well where is she?


Supergirl fell through the portal crashing through the windows into Granny's Diner landing on a booth table unconscious. Granny walked over to her.

Granny: better call the people capable for this.

Heroes And Justice (Sequel to Vengeance Of StoryBrooke)Where stories live. Discover now