Chapter 16

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Me and Xavier headed towards Jackson's grave and once we were there I sit down like I usually would and talk to him.

"Hey Jacks, your parents came today but I told them that they didn't have the right to see you. Is that selfish of me? I just didn't think they had the right cause where were they when you and I needed them? I don't know if that was the right thing to do but all I could think was how they weren't even there for you." I turn and look at Xavier almost forgetting that he was here "Oh and this is Xavier and he and I are going to be in a dance competition together, I'm actually going to preform the dance that you and I had originally created and I'm really nervous about it."

"But she will do great, because I've never seen someone so in love with dance more than her and I've went to ballet recitals before" I turn and gave him a 'Really?' look "Don't ask" I put my hands up in mock surrender "You would be very proud of her Jackson they way how she push through all of this and came out on top. I've seen people that had less done to them and end up worse than her. So I know you are very proud of her just like I am"  I just sit there and take in his words and I feel this bubbling/fluttering feeling in my stomach and I don't know what to do about it.

"Don't go soft on me yet Db" I say with a chuckle

"Trust me I'm never soft" he says with a smirk

The weeks go by pretty fast actually nearing the dance and we have two days left and i know that we have the steps down pat. i just cant help to be nervous, me and xavier pretty much spend every free time we have with each other we work around my schedule to make time for dancing. i asked Steven if i could have late shifts so i go to work at noon and get off at ten and in the mornings me and xavier will meet at the studio at five and work till ten and the cycle continues. i took of the last two days leading up to the competition so we can put enough work into it. So that is where me and xavier have been for the past five hours just going over it again and again and again.

"Ok lets take a break" I say huffing as i do this is like the twentyth time going over this and i dont want to over work him or I.

"Thank God, I really needed that or I would have passed out from dehydration"

"Then you'll love me for what I'm about to do. You are free for the rest of the day, I want you to relax and just breath don't do anything related to dancing give your muscles a break and we will meet tomorrow for a couple runs and then we will be ready for Saturday"

"Thank you Thank you Thank you" Xavier says hugging me and spinning me around like in those cliché movies and when we had stopped spinning he said one thing I thought he would have never said "Go on a date with me"

"What?" My heart had started beating at an abnormal rate

"Go on a date with me Ali"

I was literally shocked, no words came to mind all I could think is what would Jackson think and then I thought back to when Amber had told me that Jackson would want me to be happy to move on and start a family and a life. So with that in mind I had no doubt in my mind when I said the next word.


"Really?!, You'll go on a date with me?"

"Yes I will go on a date with you Xavier"

"Good now go home and get ready cause I'm picking you up in an hour and I'm taking you out"


"Yes now! now go and get ready cause I'll be at your house in one hour on the dot"

"Ok ok I'm going, Geez Db don't have to shove" I say as he's pushing me towards the door

Xavier literally shoves me all the way to my car and pushes me inside then slams the door after. I head home while pushing the speed limit and getting there in 15 minutes.

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