Chapter 2

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Xavier's pov

We hear the door shut i look over to Amber, we were in the kitchen popping some more popcorn.

"What was that?"

"That was my roommate she just got home from work"


I walk out and into the living room and I see an arm sticking up over the couch and as I get closer to see a girl laying down on the couch in my spot.

"What are you doing in my spot"

She huffs and looks over at me and she just sits there staring at me her eyes roaming over my body.

"Are you done drooling?"

"Amber!, theres a barbaric douche bag in our house !! "

Barbaric who she calling barbaric she doesn't even know me how can she just judge me with out even knowing me. I mean i do act like a douche sometimes but not all of the time. By the time I come back to earth she up and the look she gives me is like she watching my every move and something else hatered was the hate I saw in her eyes. She goes in to the kitchen with Amber since when was amber in her- Oh! great I've only known this girl for two sconds and I'm already zoning out. But seriously why would she hate me I don't even know her and her I so why would she? I sit down and I hear some of their conversation.

"-everytime i bring up jac-"

"Don't you dare fisnish that"

" You never bring it up so how am I supposed to know how you feel"

Bitch says "I said I didn't want guys in the apartment so you should be a good roommate a good friend and not invite guys over"

" So what I'm not a good friend because I invited a guy over." Amber said

" No, you are a good friend i just dont want to be near guys"

" Yet you work at hooters"

"I need the money im still paying off pills."

I hear them both huff and I know that the conversation is over from my many years of evesdropping so I sit back on the couch with my heart racing at the fact that I almost got caught and I sit there and think about what she said bills what kind of bills does a twenty something have to be working at a place like hooters just to pay off?. bitch comes stomping through and down the hall to what i assume what is her room and hear a door slam. I go into the kitchen where Amber is and she just standing there with her back to me and i see her sholder shaking meaning she was crying. I walk in front of her and put my hands on her shoulders.

"It's ok shhh"

I just hug her knowing girls like that or something

"She just wont let me help her she wont let anyone help her"

"Come on lets go to the living room"

we soon hear stuff being thrown around in bitchs room, i start to move to get up and see whats going on but Amber pulls me back

"No just leave it she's fine she's just blowing off steam"

I nod and let her settle back down on me

we sit there for the rest of the night with her crying and huddled up next to me.


Aaliyah's Pov

I wake up the next morning with an excruciating headache and the events of last night run through my head and I feel like a total bitch I get up and change into comfy clothes short and a hoodie with thigh high socks and I throw my hair up in a bun and walk over to Amber's room and see her in her bed i walk over and get in behind her.

"Amber I'm sorry about last night i shouldn't have reacted that way"


start to tickle behind her ear and she starts squirming

"I knew you were awake, I'm sorry and I was acting like a totally bitch." She sighs and turns so I can see her face and I feel a huge pain in my chest like someone had just stabbed me in the chest. Her face was red and blotchy with tear stains under her eyes and her hair is a mess.

"I know I know I look like crap"

"And I feel like crap cause I put you in this position"

"Oh stop with the dramatics its fine as long as we are still friends is the only thing that matters to me"

"Of course nothing could make me stop loving you"

"awww your the best"

Just then the door bell rings

"Ok ill go get it" i say

I get up and walk out to the door and I open it just as the bell goes off again

"geez hold your - Db standing here - horses, what are you doing here Db?"

"DB? Are we on a nickname basis? cause if we are then yours is bitch"

"what are-"

"Xavier!" - we both look at amber whos behind me a - "I'm sorry i was going to cancel but i just woke up"

huh Xavier, then it speaks, "Umm how could you you cancel if we planned to meet at this time"

"What!" amber yells "its already one?"

then it was my turn to scream

" What! Oh shit I'll be late for work"

I run pass Amber to my room which is still a wreck and start throwing on my uniform and throw my hair up in a ponytail slip on my shoes and run out of my room pass them in the living room.

"Bye ambs be back sometime." I run out the door and to my car.

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