Chapter 8

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I've spent ten minutes up here just crying. Thinking of what just happened down stairs the last time I dance was with Jackson and that was at our prom the night that we had conceived our child I hold on to the ring that was around my neck. What would he think? Would he be pissed if he saw what just happened? How could I do this to him? How could I do this to our deceased child? How? I continued to cry then I hear the door slam and I turn around and it blondy

"What do you want?"

"Aww is someone crying? that's was a nice stunt you did out there. Really, it was but I want you to stay away from Xavier hes mine."

"If you haven't notice he brought me here not you."

"Well he'll be mine soon and I'm not going to let you get in my way."

And like that she leaves and I go to the bathroom to fix my face so it doesn't look like I just cried that Atlantic. Once I was done I headed down stairs and went to the food table to find something to eat and when I was there I felt an arm around my waist I jumped and turn to see who It was and It was devin.

"Ugh get your hands off of me"

"Come on I know you like me"

I shove his hands off of me. "I rather put hot sauce in my underwear then be with you."

I say with as much hatefulness that I could muster up.

"There you are " I turn and see Xavier and I sigh in relief

"Where have you been I've been looking for you everywhere mom wants us up front." he turns and see Devin and glares at him the pulls me to his mom leaving behind my chocolate cake I look back at it longingly I want that so bad.

"Come on,why are you stoping"

"I want the chocolate cake " I said pouting

The jerk laughs, like falling on his arse rolling on the floor laughing, well he didn't but he might as well have with as much laughing that he is doing. I just glare at him how dare he laugh I'm over here dying of chocolate suppression .

"I can get you 20 chocolate cakes if you just stand up here with me when our names are call."

I didn't get to ask for what before the music is cut off and theres tapping on a mic and Amanda is standing behind a podium.

"Thank you all for coming now the nominees for the dance challenge are..."

"What? a dance challenge what the flip flop!! " I look at Xavier and he's looking at me with a smile

"Devin Reynolds and Penelope smith"

"Jason Mitchell and Sofia Reynolds"

What Reynolds? Are they cousins or something? I don't have time to process it when I hear my name.

"Xavier Andrews and Aaliyah Kelly "

Xavier drags me up front and we wait till peple stop clapping before we go to our table but instead I drag him upstairs to the room

"If you just wanted me alone all you had to do was ask"

I step close to him so our chests are close

"I wanted to get you alone"

"Really? to do what ?"

"To do" I look down at his lips this I say before I smack him uo the side of the head a turn to walk further into the room.

"Ow what was that for?"

"A dance battle really?"

"What? My mom beg me to enter "

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