Chapter 4

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When I get home its the usal, Amber's sitting on the couch watching The Choice. I just ignore it and walk to my room not forgetting to say night to Amber.

I wake up the next day it being friday. I walk in to the living room and see both Amber and Db on the couch

"Ugh! why is he here?"

"Be nice"

I go into the kitchen and start my breakfast a few miutes later Db comes in


"Umm...i know this may be weird but i need a favor"



"No, I'm not going to help you"


"If you haven't notice I dont like you"

"and I dont know why you dont like me I haven't done anything to you"

"No you may not have but I know guys like you and all you do is hook up with a girls and then dump her and Amber has had enough of that and u dont need you making her cry"

"Seems to me your the only one doing that"

"I know what I said last might was very uncalled for but I just don't like guys in the apartment"

"Yet you work at hooters"

"I don't get why its such a bad thing to work at hooters"

"Its not that that's the bad thing its that you don't like to hang around guys yet you work somewhere that it surrounded by guys"

"Even if I go to Walmart there ill be guys everywhere I go there will be guys. I'm not going to become a nun or something"

"I know but why did you choose hooters why not Walmart or some other restaurant"

"Because I applied everywhere else and hooters was the only place that called back and I couldn't be picky so I accepted. Ok so what do you want me to do cause you obviously wont shut up unless I agree to whatever it is that you want me to do"


I sigh "What do you want me to do"

"Do what?"

"The favor, Gosh are you always like this"

"Like what?"

"Ugh what do you want me to do before i change my mind"


"Because I want you to leave me alone before I get a headache"

"Oh uh i need you too come to a party wit-"



"No, I don't  do parties"

"Well it's not really a party is a ball or something like that that my mom puts on every year and she wants me to bring someone"

"Why not bring Amber"

"Because she has to work"

"When is it"


"Tomorrow! You couldn't have told me earlier"

"Well i wasn't told until yesterday that i had to take someone"

"Well what am I going to do I don't know what to wear let alone be able to pay for something to wear"

"Well I got that taken care of"


"Well mom has a closet of dresses that you can borrow so just do your hair and makeup here and get dressed at my house"

"Ok what time"

"The thing starts at 7 so say 5:30 I'll be here to pick you up"

"Ok, now go before i change my mind"

he leaves and I just stand there thinking of all the possibilities that could go wrong. I finish cooking pancakes and waffles and in comes db and Amber

"Oh good you cooked" amber said

"Yeah for me"

"Your really going to eat all of this" db said

"Yes yes i am got a problem with that"

"Come on you're really not going to give us some"

I look at Amber who has the pleading face then to db who just standing there then i think of something

"Ok -and amber squeals - if Db says please and that im the most awesome person in the world"

"No" he says


"No I'm not doing it"

"Oh come on Xavier please I'm hungry and I am not passing up Alis waffles"

"They can't be that good for me to say that"

"Oh yes they are"

"Then they better be." he sighs " Ali you are the most awesome person in the world so - he sighs again and grumbles while saying - please let us have some "

I burst up laughing

"Why are you laughing?"

"Ca- use-I - I suck in some air to control my breathing - cause I was going to give them you because i cant refuse Ambs face but i wanted to see if you actually would"

"You are mean" ambs said

"Well look whose not going to get my waffles"

"What no I'm sorry your amazing and very very taltented and an amazing dancer"

I look at her like she grew two heads then look at Xavier he's just looking back and forth at us

"You dance?"

"No No I don't I'm very terrible  at it. Right amber?"

"Yeah very terrible she once broke a guys leg" i groan does she not know how to keep her mouth shut I bop her on the side of her head.


"Why dont you just tell him everything about my life"

"Sorry" She said with a face that I knew she meant what she said

"Just get your waffles and pancakes"

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