Chapter 4

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For the rest of the night we were lead to believe that the whole secret thing was just a weird game that ended at that and everyone went back to having their jam packed night of fun.

Aria decided to hit the hay early... after throwing up twice. She was really embarrassed in case someone saw and believe me, it was no fistful of daisies but someone spewing their guts out never is. Unfortunately, I know a guy who has something over me and without the only person who has a chance of stopping him from coming too close to me, well, long story short, I was so screwed.

"dance with me." Ryder tried to coax. Thankfully after the 'game' I stopped drinking. The drunk look does not look good on me, almost as much as the hungover look doesn't look good on anybody. Ryder however was not on the same wave length as me and continued with a few beers. I wouldn't say he was drunk but he was far from sober. His immaculate hair had taken a turn down hill and was ruffled but it just gave his look a little something different and I'm not saying it didn't look good. It did. Quite good but it doesn't mean I wanted to spend a lot of time around it considering my drink earlier had already wore off.

I put my hand on his rather muscled chest to hold him back. His breath reeked. So much for drinking just for appearances. What's gotten into him tonight? "it's getting late." I warned.

"but terra" he whined, dragging out my name. Ryder was acting like a four year old who wanted ice cream, not a seventeen year old who wanted to dance at a party. "just one dance." He held a finger up in my face which I was quick to push away before anyone saw the mess he was in and that it was being directed at me.

"Ryder, I cant. What if your sister sees us?" Thinking that would knock some sense into his spacious big head. No. He just grabbed a hold up my wrist. Not to the point where it hurt or was uncomfortable. Actually the painless contact was something I didn't mind. What I minded was the eyes. The deep brown eyes staring right at me, silently begging me to stay with him. I knew a thing or two about this boy and one of which was he didn't like feeling abandoned which no one did but for some reason he'd always felt it. He refuses to tell anyone why I'd only ever been told it was different with me but that's just the wonders of black mail and a forgiving heart. " I should just go to bed." I took my risk away and he kept watching me with those big sad eyes. If he didn't stop I'd end up giving in and I honestly had no clue how long I could last under that stare.

"come on Ryder, let the poor girl go." Phoenix told Ryder. Three is definitely a crowd. As if two of us in this conversation wasn't bad enough.

"Butt out, Phoenix. Nobody asked you." Ryder grumbled. He didn't sound mad or upset but that's what worried me. In seconds all emotion was lost. He was just looking down. I think he was concentrating on my wrist but I couldn't be sure and with his new state I wouldn't want to in case there was any trouble.

"okay, time for bed, let's go. Kevin help me out."

"I got him." Kevin groaned walking over. "hey, your friends with that girl I was with right?" He stopped. Is he being serious? He knows aria. He's known aria for years. Since he was 5.

"Ryders sister?" I stuttered to answer. Honestly I can't believe some people.


"were friends."

"Do you know if she has a boyfriend? It's okay if she does-"

"No. She's single." I cut him off before he dug out a deeper grade. The lengths some boys will go to get what they want. Kevin just nodded before starting up the stairs with Ryder, both with grins on their faces although I inagine for different reasons. Ryder didn't look a all genuine. You could tell. When he was faking it his right eyebrow dipped slightly and his seemed like someone else's. He became his own puppet. Looks like but isn't.

"sorry. Kevin gets a little messy after he's got a drink in him." Phoenix apologised for his friend.

"That's an awful nice way of saying man whore."

"yeah well, I should go help get Ryder up stairs. See you around..."

"Terra, Terra Blair." I don't know why I gave him both names or even anything at all but I did. Maybe he used some of that sparkly charm but either way I told him and he told me his. He didn't need to tell me his name. I knew it, obviously. Were in most of the same classes but I suppose that didn't stop him from forgetting mine. They're all the same. Ryders probably the only one that knows my name and that's only because we've known each other since we were little kids.

Realizing with Ryder gone I was free to hit the hay I made my way back up stairs but no sooner had I turned the handle had Aria began talking. "thank god your here." Aria sighed as I took my first step in the room.

"I thought you'd be asleep." I said plopping down on my bed. Maybe I could just sleep in clothes. I don't reek of alcohol do I? I don't real, full stop do I? Second thought probably should change. Yeah, that's an idea.

"do you remember that secrets thing earlier?"

"the total waste of time? I remember." I replied sieving through my suit case in search of night ware. Please don't tell me I forgot it.

"turns out those cards we filled out were like forfeits. Were playing a giant game of dares. I need to go on a little scavenger hunt in the woods! Where the spiders are. You were right this weeks not going to be easy. What did you get?" She brought me in as an afterthought but I wouldn't argue. Aria ha the worst fear of spiders. She couldn't even watch the amazing Spider-Man without bursting into tears then again that may or may not have been because of Andrew Garfield kissing Emma Stone and not her. Finally discovering my clothing I stood and discover the note Aria had been referring to.

"tell you later."

But right there on that small labeled piece of paper was my task. My dare: 

'publicly make out with Ryder James and Phoenix Knight. 

Rules. The people involved can't know that they are. You have until Saturday at midnight to complete your given task. There must be witnesses or alibis. No exchanges. Burn after reading'

And that my friends is how I died.

A Daring Game of SecretsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant