Chapter 1

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I't been a week since they came to my home town, Also my mother disappeared from sight. My father look at me and said with diguest "You are no daughter of mine, You whore of a mother must have sleep with another man" How is that my fault exactly. Since my mother disappeared, my apparently father, let me back in the house.  Casey and rei went to the wood with the "Girls" God i hate them, They all wear make-up and short dresses. I walk outside the house to see the morning sun. I look round, strange, no one is around.. i walk towards the town, strange there is no one around. This is starting to freak me out, where the hell is everyone! Then i saw something, i got closer and closer to what it was.. Oh god, it was a dead bodies, everywhere what the hell has happened here. I look around..Oh god please dont let casey and rin bodies be in there, Lucky enough there wasnt. I heard horses on the other side of the town. I ran towards the sound, mabye it help! i ran and was no was the rebels..My mother told me there was rebel amongs the kindgom, she also told me, they destroy towns after towns. Oh next someone help me. There was 30 people on horses and 10 on foot. i try to run, it was useless, One of them caught me. No no no HELP ME CASEY, RIN! "She beautfiul one, she like a goddess" i look around and saw a man with short yellow hair with blue eyes. i was too scared to speak, One of the people came up to him "Leader, she the only surviver" Oh he the leader, GREAT that doesn't make things better. "Ah okay, tell the men we leaving straight away, we dont want the royal army to caught up" Wait, He not going to kill me..oh god he isn't going to make me a slave.. He look down at me "What you'r name young one, My is jim" I look up at him "It Krystal"  The rebels started to go west of the town. I really hope Casey and Rin are okay!

Casey Pov

"Ah, that was a lovely walk wasnt it rin?" he nodded at me. We started to walk back to the town, I cant wait to see Krystal, Tell her all about my advertures. The girl was behind us, They wont shut up god..who idea was to bring them along with us, I sigh. i smell smoke..i look up, there was fire where the town was. OH GOD Krystal, Please be safe. We all started to run towards the town..we're too late, bodies everywhere, i look around for Krystal, I can't see her anywhere. Then i notice someone was still alive, i ran up to him. "What happened here sir?" i try to be calm but i couldn't help shaking, i wanna know what happen to Krystal. "The rebels came in and kill everyone but took only one person, It was Krystal, they took" I was glad she was alive, but i wasnt glad she was with rebels, they could do anything to her. The man died right there. I got up and saw rin, he knew too well, His town was also attacked by the same people...rebels, Such angry was in his eyes.

Rin Pov

How can they do this! Not another village..i overheard the man, They took Krystal, that not fair, they can be doing anything to her. Im soo mad with angry, They took away my village my parents my lover.. Now they attack this town and only when i started to begin to like Krystal, They take her away from me! Why me...Why me...

Krystal Pov

It been a day already, They attack another town, they took another girl, she was normal, i wonder why they took her. "Ah You got another girl leader? I though you like the girl you already got?" He laugh, He pulled the girl closer, she was so scared, i wanted to hug her but i couldn't since i was in chains. "She not for me this girl, She for the lads, you know what i mean" He started to laugh, i was shock and afraid for the girl, i turn my head towards the girl, she was crying and begging him not to take her. "Please please stop this PLEASE!" She was begging over and over and over. I started to cry and fell down, i couldn't help it and the leader saw of me, he told his men to take the girl away. I can't take this, At-least Casey and Rin wasn't there at the time of the attack. i stop crying and sat down on the pillow he put down for me. I look up, i was in a huge tent, It was a size for a true king, but one thing for sure, The leader wasn't a king to me or to anyone apart from his army. I hated him with a passion, he attack my town and others, he took girls for his fun and his men fun, GOD I WANT TO TAKE HIS LIFE SO BADLY. I fill with rage.

Casey Pov

We figure, where they were and also we meet the royal army, We told them our situation, They were sad about it but they couldn't do anything about it, they keep outsmarting them. Two days later, We caught up finally! There was a huge battle, but lucky enough the royal won it! i ran toward tent to tent, just to find Krystal, As i went to tent to tent, i saw girls..they were bruise and...i cant say it..The rebels was now stopped for good. I hope Krystal was okay, Rin was looking on the other side of the camp. Finally i came to a big tent, It was side for a king, i look inside, i saw Krystal, she was unharmed, Im soo glad, now i can stop worrying. I ran up to her and hugged her. She was surprised, she look up and saw me, She had the biggest smile

Krystal Pov

Finally Casey found me, I'm so glad, i dont have to put up with that leader..He was scum.."Im glad you here casey, Did they win the battle?" He look happy then stop "The royal won but the leader escape from the battle" It felt like my heart stop beating for a few seconds. Either he will get another army or he will come for me.

What will happen in the next chapter?

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