It's Okay Now (Shaurance)

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I wait for Kier's icon to take over the whole window before replying. I'm slightly nervous when I see he's got his camera on. His bare shoulders make me slightly awkward.

"Hi Shane." He greets.

"Hey." I manage.

He frowns at my monosyllabic answer. "Do you wanna have camera?"

I sigh but click on the camera option, removing the paper tab I have covering it for when I'm not using it. I force on an awkward smile, still being uncomfortable in front of the camera.

"You look fine Shane, you don't need to look so uncomfortable." He manages to laugh to make me relax.

"I look like I've just woke up." I admit, forcing myself to avoid looking at the small square in the corner of the screen.

"I'm in my boxers mate, you look a lot more organised than I do." He chuckles.

"Did you want me to call to put me through this?" I challenge.

His expression goes from mocking to genuine. "Yeah, I figured what we'd be discussing is rather sensitive so it's in general safer to talk here. The last thing we want is for one of us to be hacked and that whole conversation made public." He points out seriously.

"You mean, you'll be hacked, star." I almost mock.

He smiles at the joke but nods with honest concern. "Laurence doesn't need to be hurt by that."

"I stand by my earlier point, you need to sort things out between you." I boldly tell him.

He nods. "You're not wrong by saying that. I have been trying but I have yet to successfully get in contact with him." He explains. "I really do want to try to make up to what I did to you lot and I really don't blame him for being so angry at me but I don't want to be a strain on your relationship."

"How would you be a strain on my relationship with Laurence?" I ask.

Kier gives a look of 'that's obvious' but eventually replies. "Shane, if you even bring up talking to me with him, he won't take it well. I don't want my inability to get in contact with Laurence to be something harmful to yours and Laurence's relationship."

"Isn't there something you can try to do to change that?" He's just about to answer when I cut in. "Something you perhaps haven't tried already?"

He considers it for a moment, his frustrated expression fading before he answers. "There's one thing I could try, I'll probably get to it after rehearsals tomorrow. Thanks for reaching out to me, Shane. I do miss all of you, you know that right?"

"Sometimes it doesn't seem like it but I understand, you just needed to build your own environment. Take care of yourself, you deserve it after all the hard work you put yourself through." I smile in a friendly way.

"Thanks, you know if things don't work out, you're welcome to have a place in Inklings." He offers.

"As much as I appreciate the offer, I couldn't do that to Drew and Laurence. They're in shambles enough as it is." I honestly reply.

"Keep an eye on them will you?" He looks directly into the camera, giving me the impression that he's looking straight at me.

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