Chapter Twenty Six: Busted For Real, The Sequel

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I pondered for a couple of minutes but came up with nothing. I decided to put it aside for now and replied to Brianna.

I hit up the keys and started pressing on the keypad.

Good morning Brianna. Just take your time, a couple of days for christmas break should be more than enough. Say hi to your mother for me too. And also Dre-

I paused as a thought passed me by. I should tell Drew about Brianna and her mother later.

Good morning Brianna. Just take your time, a couple of days for christmas break should be more than enough. Say hi to your mother for me too. And also Drew, he says hi to you and your mother.

And yeah, Drew has always been mine :P

I chuckled to myself before pressing the send button.

And before I could even get off of bed, I received another text from her.

Oh really? Have you ever said you loved him? Bet you haven't yet. That's why you're always lame.

I sat up of bed and quickly replied.

I am not lame!

As frustrating as it is, I couldn't think of anything else to reply.

I sighed a deep breath.

Kiss me then.

I really can't believe you actually wanted this.

"I really am lame, aren't I?" I whispered to myself. "Asking for a kiss because I hadn't kiss him back then."

I let out a frustrated sigh. And my face turned red without my consent, like always.

I was waiting for her to reply but I didn't got any after that. So I just proceeded to prepare myself to school. If everything goes according to plan, this will be the very first time I'd get to school early. Nice job Maybelle, nice job.

I will surely reward myself with hazelnut brownies later this afternoon.

Anyway, I prepped myself to school as fast as I could.

And since the Christmas party is already coming tomorrow and I already sent my gift to Brianna yesterday, I just laid my back against my chair and witnessed how hyped everyone was in the classroom. They kept on talking about the gift and about trying to confess and whatsoever.

I inwardly irked and cringed.


Dawn screamed running in to our room.

"What?" I was so surprised that I almost fell out of my chair

She horridly looked at me like I was her unwanted child.

"What the hell are you doing so chill in here?!" She screeched.

"What?" I asked for the second time. "Am I not supposed to sit here and chill?"

"Ugh!" She quickly grabbed my hand causing me to stumble on the floor.

"Daw- hey! Watch it! Ouch!"

"No time to talk! Your gift! Quick!" She replied without looking back at me and continued dragging me like a ragdoll. "Leaf and Misty are already waiting for us outside."

[COMPLETE]Romeo And Cinderella (Contestshipping)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang