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It begins tomorrow and I have an official plan in motion!

Starting tomorrow I will be completely changing routine!

New things I will implant and then I will update on the changes and moods and everything that comes with this all the way through January 13th of Next year and even beyond!

1. ENVELOPE SYSTEM-----This is where I use Envelopes to keep track of: 






2. Showering Every day---Shampooing/Conditioning every other day.

3.Brushing Teeth 3x a day[you would be surprised by how much good hygiene can effect your confidence level, therefore setting the tone for your day]

4. Dressing for success[suit, tie,the works] 

5. Correcting people with confidence. I prefer the name Nate and male pronouns--one of the managers---my adopted one caught on before I even asked him. ALL the people on his team now call me Nate and Male pronouns now gotta work on my ACTUAL team vs my ADOPTED team lol] 

6. Explain how I really feel about my body to my fiance---she gets it, but I want her to have more of an understanding. 

7. CONTOURING my face with EYELINER-----This is a CHEAP and EFFECTIVE way to contour----keep in mind that I know almost NOTHING about makeup at all-----I simply improvised and hoped for the best and it came out not so bad---if you don't feel like you can do this--just looking like you have thicker eyebrows works or rubbing black eyeliner or eyeshadow on both sides of your nose to outline your features making you appear more masculine. 

8. Hip exercises------this is an exercise designed to decrease the hips--which I need. 

9.PUSHUPS-----This actually makes you--1. Possibly taller and 2.Gives you broader shoulders making you appear more masculine. 

10. Voice Training-----This actually works for me---they say you can train your voice if you are MTF but not so much when FTM and that you need T to do this. ---I have found that if you listen to rock music, or songs with male leads and male versions and you try to sing in that tone, and then you talk trying to hold that tone-----you can gradually change your voice to be lower and feel natural doing this-----note that the more CONFIDENT you feel the more masculine you can come off and the more natural your lower voice will sound---confidence brings an authoric voice which to people come off as masculine---please note you don't have to come off as a jackass to have an authoric tone. authoric does not equivilate to rude. 

11. VEGAN. I am going VEGAN as of tomorrow-and if I cheat than I do not get to reward myself with anything after 2 weeks of following through. You would think that you would feel immasculated by going vegan---you may feel like you don't have control of what you eat, therefore, people usually become resentful of goal and revert---the way I see it---by NOT having control of what you eat you actually DO have control-------You are in control of what you spend. of what you eat--you are not ruled by your cravings. It is hard to be Vegan-----I see it as a STRENGTH to say no to food that people usually feel like they have to eat. To me it is equivilant to smoking----you may think you control your smokes, but really the habit rules you. I will be keeping track of how this effects me and keep you guys updated. I will be eating foods that are "High in T,Low in Es' [High in Testosterone, Estrogen Decreasers] 

12. I will be SAVING money. I aim to have at least 300 by the end of January. 

13. I will be keeping you guys updated and also trying to keep track of my weight/muscles/face/hips/stomach/abs/shoulders---things giving you the ability to pass. 

14. I will be experimenting with clothes that make me appear more masculine--please note that if you have a binder---you actually look MORE masculine and OLDER for your age if you wear hoodies that FIT. 

15. If this book gets in the 100-200s in NONE FICTION. I will post a pic. mainly cause I don't view it as realistic lol. 

if you read this far, PLEASE leave a comment. Don't be a silent reader! I love making new friends and enjoy your guys comments and constructive advise!

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