Chapter 49: Sick

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Chapter 49: Sick


"Hey baby, whats up" Ash asked coming up to me in my room.

"Maria's sick"

"Aww damn"

"Ya, while you guys play today I have to stay here with Maria. Sorry."

"I understand. Maria's more important" He said giving me a kiss.

Luckily there were 2 beds in the one room in the bus so Ella and I were in there and Maria slept in their as well. The 5 guys were sleeping in bunks. Once I got Maria to sleep I headed out to where the guys were and snuggled into Ash.

"Hows Maria" Jake asked.


"Hmm" Jake said.

"This sucks that Maria is sick on tour" Andy said.

"Yea but at least shes a toddler and not an infant so its not really a concern much. i just have to watch her a little more closely."

"That makes sense" Jinxx said.

"Yea, sorry I can't go to the concert tonight."

"Don't worry about it. Maria's more important" CC said.

"Yea" The whole bus agreed.

"Thanks for under-" I started but heard Maria crying.

"I'll be back" I said heading to the back of the bus to Maria.

A little later it was time for the guys to head to the stage.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay here?" Ash asked hugging me from behind as I soothed Maria.

"I'm fine Ash, go, please" I said kissing him and going back to Maria.

"Alright if your sure"

"Yes! i'm sure! Now go" I said with a chuckle and pushed him out of the room.

"Ok love you babe" He said kissing me again.

"Love you to" I said kissing him back.

"Love you Maria" He called as he headed back to the front of the bus.

As soon as they left Maria started crying non-stop. When she wouldn't be quiet I picked her up and bounced her. She still wouldn't stop crying so I layed my hand on her sweaty forehead and she was burning up. I took her tempeture, 102. I quickly slipped her and myself into some decent clothes and then layed her on the couch as I scribbled a note.

Maria had a tempeture of 102, decided to take her to the hospital right down the street so we can tackle this sickness. If I'm not back by the time you guys get back, you know where I am. Call me if you need anything.


I picked her up again and speed walked to the hospital.

I got their and within 5 minutes, they had got Maria into a room. They did some tests and checked her tempeture and it had risen a degree. They poked her with some needels and put a IV in her arm which made her scream more.

Her little screams just broke my heart but I knew it was the right thing for her.

The tests came back within 30 minutes. She had the flu but it was a little more severe since she was 3 and she was kind of a miracle baby. They gave her some medicine and she drifted off to sleep.

"Excuse me, how long is she going to have to stay?"

"At this point a week. Just so we can know shes stable." The doctor said.

"Shit! Alright, any chance shes getting out in the next 2 days?"

"Not at this rate"

"Alright" I said and colapsed on a chair.

Then Ashley and Jake burst through the door.

"Desiree, hows Maria" Ash asked out of breath, I could tell he had been rushing.

"Has the flu, getting out next week. I think when Maria gets better, her and I will just go home and you can continue the tour worry free"

"No! I'll be more worried if your at home while I'm out on the road. How about we come have someone get you once Maria is released."

"You sure?"

"Hell yea! I can't live 6 months without my girls" He said with a smile and kissed me.

"Ash" Jake said as he peeked in the door.

"ugh! I'll be right back babe k" He said and walked out of the door.

I just stared at Maria and hoped, hoped to God she would get better quickly.


"Band meeting" Jake said as soon as I closed the door.

"Ugh" I said and we ran back out to the bus that was now in the hospital parking lot.

"Ash, what are we going to do about Des and Maria?" Andy asked.

"I have an idea but I have to present it to John."

"Spill it" Jinxx said and I told them my "brilliant" idea. 

"Sounds good" CC said.

"Alright" I said and sped off to find John.

"John!" I said turning him to face me.

"Ya Ashley?"

"I have an idea to present to you"


"Ok so were leaving for Sacramento on monday right?"


"And our show is on Wensday right?"

"yes, Ash, where exactly are you going with this"

"Can we leave on Tuesday or Wensday PLEASE!!!! I don't wanna leave Des and Maria"

"We'll leave Wensday, but this isn't happening everytime alright?"

"Thank you thank you! And if Maria gets better before then, we can leave earlier"

"Alright" He said with a sigh and I ran back to the guys.

"I did it" I said with a smile.

"Awesome" They all cheered.

"I'ma go back inside" I said and ran out of the bus and went to Maria's room.

"Ash?" Des asked.

"We-were leaving on Wensday" I said trying to catch my breath.


"Ya I begged John since we have a show in Sacramento on Wensday"

"Thank you!!" She squealed hugging my neck.

"I just wanted to be with my baby" I said hugging her back. "My girls" I corrected myself.

I ended up sleeping in the hospital room with her that night.

We woke up and the doctors said Maria was doing a little better but still had to be hospitalized.

I really hope she gets better soon.


Sorry for short chapter

Writers block :p

Hope yall enjoyed

Listening to I'ma Monster by Blood On The Dance Floor

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