The Peridot nodded and walked away with Tom following. "I'll spare the big words as you wouldn't understand." said Peridot 124. Tom glared but held his anger in. She then opened one of the lab doors to show a room of holo computers and windows.

Tom looked in the window to frown. Inside were disembodied limbs or of limbs merged together to form deformed monsters. This was the project all the Diamonds were working on, the Shard experiments.

Tom HATED this even more than being a Pearl, their fallen brethren, turned into horrible monsters that were in constant pain. The project was to try and make new soldiers from the shards.

'But it's just hurting them worse, why can't they just be allowed peace.' thought Tom.

He walked back towards Peridot 124, who stood by a table with a single Shard. "The project is still unstable, but I feel we are getting closer, still, it could take many years before we get things stable." said Peridot 124. Tom was writing this down on his holopad when he heard a shout.

"Peridot 436, what did you do?!" demanded a Peridot. "I-I don't know, watch it!" cried Peridot 436. Tom blinked to jump as lasers suddenly hit the Shard on the table.

"I didn't give an order to do this!" yelled Peridot 124. There was more shouting as Tom watched the Shard float up a bit.

He stepped back as he saw it forming.

Green light shined from the Shard as a hand and limbs came into focus. Then the light faded as, followed by a shout and a small thud. Tom looked to find instead of a limb, it was a whole gem!

This gem had neat chocolate brown hair with a small cowlick in the back. He was wearing a green uniform with a diamond shaped V neck. He also had a belt similar to Tom's only it was a darker lime green and circle shaped with a blue diamond symbol in the middle.

The Shard he came from was green and rested in the middle of the diamond shaped collar.

The Shard opened his eyes to show green eyes. "Uh wha-where, where am I?" he asked. He looked up to see Tom staring at him.

"Uh hello, who are you?" asked the Shard. "I'm Tom, a Blue Pearl here on Homeworld." said Tom. "Homeworld, what's that?" asked the Shard. The Pearl couldn't believe it, he was a fallen gem revived into a new form, and there was no memories!

"How, how did you do this?" asked Peridot 124. Tom looked to see the lead Peridot talking to 436. "I-I don't know, I walked into the machine by accident and then just boom." said Peridot 436. The Pearl rolled his eyes and helped the Shard up.

"I'm heading back to Blue Diamond to give this report as well as tell of what just happened, Shard, you're coming with me." said Tom. The Shard blinked to nod. "Um, okay." he said.

"Hold it, why are you taking him, you are just a Pearl." said Peridot 124. "Yes, but I was here to check on progress, Blue Diamond would like to meet her newest soldier, also, I could always tell her of the halt in progress and mistakes." smirked Tom.

Peridot 124 paled and Tom walked by her. The Shard followed and the two left the labs. "So, I'm a Shard, what kind of gem is that?" asked the Shard.

"Well, none actually, you used to be part of a whole gem, but they were shattered in battle, and thus the Shards were used for experiments to try and make new soldiers." said Tom. The Shard stopped to stare at the Pearl.

"So, I-I'm not a real gem?" he asked. "You are a real gem, you're standing right here now, aren't you?" asked Tom. The Shard smiled to then tilt his head.

"Why are you called Tom when the other gems go by their gem names?" asked the Shard. "Well, I didn't want to be called Pearl, so I thought of Tom and it stuck." said Tom. The Shard then grins big to get into Tom's personal space.

"Can I have a name like yours, please?" begged the Shard. "Alright." sighed Tom. He stared at the Shard to raise an eyebrow. "You look like an Edd." admitted Tom. The Shard blinked to smile and jump in excitement.

"Then my name is Edd, I like it." beamed Edd. The Pearl laughed lightly and they walked on. Course Edd just continued to ask questions.

"Also, why did that Peridot say you couldn't take me because you're a Pearl?" asked Edd. "Pearls like myself are created to be accessories, we don't fight, or build things, we don't even give our opinions, we just stand their and do what our owners tell us as well as make them look good." sighed Tom.

Edd looked at Tom in shock as the Pearl looked away. 'That's right Edd, Pearls are the slaves of Homeworld.' thought Tom. "So that's why, Pearls are just useless, worthless servants." said Tom.

He went to move on when arms went around him, Edd was hugging him?! "I don't think you're useless or worthless, you're my friend Tom, and it seems to me you're much better than those other gems I met." said Edd.

The Pearl patted the Shard's hand, it was nice to be told this, but Edd has only met the Peridots, once he meets the other types of gem, he'll see things like they do. "Thanks for that, now come on, Blue Diamond is waiting." said Tom.

With a nod, Edd follows behind Tom to their Diamond's throne room. Once inside, Blue Diamond looks to Tom who gives the report.

"That is good to hear, and what of this gem here?" she asked. "This is Edd, he was just created from a Shard." said Tom. "I thought the Peridots weren't there yet." said Blue Diamond. "They're not, Edd was made due to an accident in the lab, they're right now trying to find out how and to recreate it." said Tom.

"Least it's something, so Edd, what do you know about Homeworld?" asked Blue Diamond. "Uh, nothing really except for what Tom has told me already, I guess my memories were wiped once I was reborn." said Edd nervously.

"Hm, then I shall have you retrained to be a soldier again." said Blue Diamond. "Um, could Tom do it please, he knows a whole lot of stuff." said Edd. "He only has this knowledge as I have him know it to check on progress, he has no fighting skills or any real knowledge, he is just a Pearl after all." said Blue Diamond.

Tom but his lip, taking a deep breathe. 'Keep it in, don't get angry, don't get angry.' thought Tom.

"Um, but I could learn fighting from another soldier, please can Tom teach me, my Diamond?" asked Edd. She was silent as she stares at the pleading Shard. Tom just stared at Edd, why would he want him around so bad?

"Very well, he will teach you of our ways, I'll find another soldier to teach you combat." said Blue Diamond. The Shard grinned big to bow a little. "Thank you, my Diamond." said Edd. She nodded to then look to her Pearl.

"You now have the task of re-educating this Shard, do not let me down." said Blue Diamond, coldly. "Of course, my Diamond, I shall do as you ask." said Tom. He then walked over to Edd and the two left.

"Why is she so mean to you?" asked Edd. "Again, I'm a Pearl." said Tom. "So what, I think you're awesome." said Edd. Tom shrugged it off and looked to his new friend.

"Anyway, till I teach you of Homeworld's ways, you won't learn any combat just yet, I don't want the other gems insulting you." said Tom. The Shard nodded and the two walked on.

Tom has a lot of work to do.

NOTE: And now we have met Edd and Tom. Tom is a strangely powerful Pearl with a deep hatred of being a Pearl, and Edd is an un-educated gem Shard. What will happen next? Till the next update, bye~

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