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Name // Age // Birthday 


Sabrina Leblanc // 34 // April 9

Caleb Leblanc // 34 // July 13

Declan Logan Leblanc // 14 // January 12

Savanna Grace Leblanc // 12 // December 15

Bailee Noelle Leblanc // 8 // May 11

Bella Rylee Leblanc // 4 // August 21

Annie Leblanc  // 32 // December 5

Hayley Leblanc // 28 // September

Katie Leblanc // 54 // July 23

Billy Leblanc // 54 // January 18

Troian Bellisario // 54 // October 28

10 years later, Sabrina and Caleb moved out when Bailee was 2, they moved into a house about 10 minutes after from there old house, after Bailee they had another baby girl named Bella. Troian and Keegan got married about 5 years ago and then they moved in together. Katie and Billy ended up selling the house and moving after Annie and Hayley moved out. Annie is married to a guy named Dylan, they have been married for about 3 years and she is nearly 9 months pregnant with a baby girl. Hayley is engaged to a guy named Mathew. Sabrina focused on her acting career and she became very will known. Caleb continued to vlog after they moved out and now they have there own family vloging channel. Caleb got Declan into baseball and he really loves that, Savanna does gymnastics like Annie and Hayley and Bailee dances.  

First chapter will be posted very soon!  

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