33 •| Homeschooling Again

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8 Months Later

Sabrina's Pov

I was sitting at the kitchen table, Caleb was down stairs with Declan and it was my first day off in a long time. Annie was at gym and Hayley was at school camp. Hayley was coming home from a week long camp today so i thought i would go and pick her up. I walk downstairs to get ready cause i was going to go pick her up in about an hour.

"Hey," I said to Caleb as i walked downstairs and saw Caleb sitting on the bed playing with Declan

"Hey bubs" He said

I walked over to the bed and picked up Declan.

"Leave him with me today and spend some time with Hayley, she really misses spending time with you" Caleb said

"Ok, how did you know she missed spending time with me" I asked

"She told me" He said

"Oh ok" I said as i put Declan back on the bed and walk to the bathroom

1 Hour later

I drove up to Hayley's school, I parked and walked unto where Hayley was, I walked unto her and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and gave me the biggest hug she's ever given me.

"I missed you" I said to her

"I missed you too" She said

"Are you allowed to leave" I asked

"Yes" She said, we walked over and signed her out and left.

We get in the car.

"Where do you want to go, you get to pick" I said

"Really" She said

"Yeah, where do you want to go" i said

"Ummm" She said

"I have an idea" i said

"What is it" She asked

"How about we go to skyzone then we can go get some lunch, then how about a we go see a movie" I said

"Yes" She practically screamed

"Ok them thats what we will do" I said

1 hour and a half later

We were in the car and we were driving to the mail after to get lunch after we finished at skyzone, Hayley had the biggest smile on her face which made me so happy.

"So how was camp" I asked her, then i saw the smile to her face fade to a frown.

"Hayley what happened" I asked 

"I don't want to talk about it" She said

"Ok, we can talk about it later" I said

We get there park the car, drive in and walk to the food court.

"Ok you can have what every you want" I said

"I want candy and ice-cream please" She said

"Your cheeky" I said to her

She laughed

"We can get candy and ice-cream when we go and watch the movie" I said

"Yeah" She said

"How about we get some pizza" i said

"Yeah" she said

4 hours later

Hayley and i got home about an 1 hour ago, when we got home Hayley went straight up to her room.

I got up and walked up to Hayley's room. When i got there i knocked on her door

"Come in" I heard from inside the room

I opened to door, walked in and sat next to her on the bed.

"Do you want to talk about what happened at camp" i asked her

"Not really" She said

"Hayley, you know you can tell me anything" I said to her

"I know" She said

"I'm here for you" I said

"Theres this new girl at school and she's really mean" She said

"Oh, Hayley you should of told me i would of done something to stop it" I said

"I didn't want to bother you" She said

"You won't be bothering me, tell me what she has been doing" I said

"A couple of months ago, she started calling me names at first i just ignored her but when she found out about Bratayley everything got a lot worst i it was a lot harder to ignore, she makes me not want to go to school" Sh said

"What's this girls name" I asked

"Olivia" She said

"I don't want to go to school anymore" She said

"Only one more week until summer" I said

"I have an idea, ill be back" I said

I walked down stairs into Katie and Billy's room

"Hey" I said

"Hey" Katie said

"Everything ok" Billy asked

"Yeah but i need to ask you guys something" I said

"Ok" she said

"How about Hayley goes back to doing home schooling, i can look after her in the day when i don't have work and if i do and no one else can look after her she can come to work with me everyone loves her there" I said

"Hayley loves going to school" Billy said

"She did but she doesn't anymore" I said

"Why" Katie asked

"I think she should be the one to tell you" i said

"ok" Katie said

"What do you think about the homeschooling idea" I asked

"Its totally up to her, if she wants to then she can be home schooled again" Katie said.

I walked but up to Hayley's room

"What do you think about being homeschooled again"I said

"I would love that" She said

"Ok, then next year you will be home schooled again" I said

"Thank you so much" She said

"Anything for you" I said 

A/n Thanks to @dancemomsgirl22 for helping me with the idea for this chapter!! 

Forever & Always | Caleb LoganOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora