3 •| Meeting the cast

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Sabrina's Pov

"Hey Sabrina, I'm going to set in about 1 hour, do you want to come?" i hear mum ask from the hallway

"No, I'm going to stay here, I'll come another day," i said to mum

I decided to text Caleb to see if he, Annie and Hayley wanted to come over.

Sabrina: Hey Caleb, do you, Annie and Hayley want to come over today maybe go for a swim?

Caleb: Sure, we would love to, what time?

Sabrina: 9

Caleb: Sounds good, see you then!

Then i look at my phone and realised that it was 8:30 so i got up and put on my swimsuit then a dress over the top, i went downstairs and got myself some breakfast, mum was in the kitchen getting her stuff. 

"Ok, I'm going," mum said as she was leaving

"Bye," I said back

It was now 9 and i was waiting for Caleb, Annie and Hayley to come over, a minute later the door bell rang. I walked to the door and answered it.

"Hey," Caleb said hugging me

"Hey," i said to him hugging him back them doing the same with Annie and Hayley

"What do you guys want to do, we could go swimming or watch a movie," i asked them

"Can we go swimming?" Asks Hayley

"Sure," i said as we went outside to the pool.

When we got to the pool Hayley and Annie jumped in straight away, i was about to get in when Caleb came around behind me, picking me up then he ran to the deep end with me still in his arms and jumped in. Annie and Hayley were laughing and when me and Caleb came to the top we started laughing too.

We were swimming around for about an hour then Caleb and i decided to hop out

"Hey, I'll go get us some towels," i said as i started walking into the house

I got the towels then went back outside. Hayley and Annie are out of the pool to so i handed that a towel each.

Caleb and i were siting on the couch watching tv, Annie and Hayley went home a while ago.

"Hey Caleb, do you have insta?" i asked

"Yeah i do its @iamabakedpotato, whats yours," i said

"Mines @Sabrinabell, why is yours @iamabakedpotato?" i asked caleb

"Well my family has this youtube channel called Bratayley and when i was little i made up this song about baked potatos and its just stuck since then" he said

"Thats so cool, how many subs do you have?" i asked

"Over 2 million," he said

"Wow so you guess are kind of famous," i said

"Kinda, wow your self you have more then 4 million followers on insta," He said

"Well i guess when your mum has more then 7 million follows people like to follow her daughter," i said

It was now about 6 and Caleb left about 1 hour ago. Mum should be home any minute so i was sitting on the lounge waiting, about a minute later she walked in and sat next to me on the couch.

"Hey," Mum said as she sat down next to me

"Hi, I invited the cast over for dinner would you look to invite Caleb and his family over to," she said

"Cool, thanks I'll see if they can come," i said

"Ok," She said

"I'm going to take a walk next door and ask them," i said to mum

"Ok, See you in a bit," She said as i started to walk to the door

I walk next and rang the door bell, Katie answered it

"Sabrina, Hi," She said

"Hey, Miss Katie," I said walking into there house, Billy, Caleb, Hayley and Annie were all sitting on the couch

"Hey," Caleb said

"Hey," I said to all of them

"Sit down," Katie said to me as she sat next to her family

"Mums cast are coming over tonight and mum was wondering if you guys would like to come over to," I said

"We would love to," billy said

"What time?" Katie said

"6:45 so you guys can meet mum before the rest come at 7," i said

"Sounds good we will be there then," Billy said

"Ok, see you then," i said getting up and walking to the and Caleb walked me to the do

"Bye, see you at 6:45," caleb said

"See you then," i said walking out the door

I walked back to my place and i saw mum setting up for tonight.

"They can come, i told them to be here a 6:45 so you can meet the before the others come," i said to mum

"Ok" she said

Its now 6:45 and the door bell rang, it was the Bratayley family

"Hey, Bratayley family," i said as they came in

"Bratayley?"Mum questions

"Its there youtube channel with over 2 million subscribes," i answered

"Thats cool, I'm Troian by the way," mum says

"I'm Katie thats Billy, Hayley and Annie," Katie said

"It nice to meet you all," mum says

"Its nice to meet you too," Annie says

"Well come in and make yourselves comfortable," Mum said as they walk towards the lounge

It was now 7 and the door bell rang mum answered it as i stood behind her. It was Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell.

"Hey Guys, This is my daughter Sabrina," Mum says

"Hi I'm Lucy," Lucy says

"I'm Ashley," Says Ashley

"I'm Shay, it so nice to finally meet you your mum talks about you all the time," Shay says

"Come to the living room and meet your neighbours/friends," Says mum

When we get to the living room mum introduces each other when the door bell rang again but this time i didn't follow mum. A couple of minutes later mum comes back in and introduces me to Sasha, Janel, Keegan, Tyler and Ian.

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