7 •| Table Read

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1 Month Later 

Sabrina's Pov


Caleb, Annie and I have become very close with the cast and we see them all the time. Hayley's not as close with them because we normal go to set during the day.

"Hey Sabrina, would you, Annie and Caleb like to come to table read today" Mum called from her room

"I'll ask Caleb" I said to mum

Me: Would you and Annie like to come to the table read with me today? Xxx

Caleb: I would love to but Annie can't shes got gym, what time? Xxx

"Mum, Annie can't come shes got gym but what time should Caleb come over" i asked mum

"As soon as possible, cause we have to leave soon" Mum said

Me: Caleb, could you you please come over as soon as possible. Xxx

Caleb: Yep, I'm ready ill be over now, see you in a minute. Xx

A minute later the door bell rang, i went down and opened it.

"Hey" He said

"Hey" I said

He hugged me and kissed me and then we went up to my room.

I trust Caleb more them i trust anyone else in the world well except mum but thats different.

Caleb and i were in my room, and i was trying to pick out an outfit and Caleb was sitting on the couch in my room.

"Just pick something and put something on, you look amazing in everything" Caleb said to me

"Thank you, ok ill wear this and this" i said grabbing out my outfit.

I grabbed out my shoes i was going to wear and i got changed after i finish getting changed i went into the bathroom to do my hair and brush my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and showed caleb my outfit for the day.

"What do you think" I said the caleb

"You look Gorgeous" He said to me

I walked over to Caleb and sat on his lap

"Thank you" i said to Caleb before i kissed him

"I love you" He said after we broke apart

"I love you too" I said to he

We get up and walk in to the kitchen where mum was sitting.

"Hey Caleb" mum says

"Hey Troi" Caleb says to mum

"Have you eaten Caleb" i ask him

"No, but I'm good" Caleb said

"Don't be silly, what do you want?" I say

"Caleb, this is your house too, have what ever you want" Mum says to caleb

"Thanks" Caleb says

About 10 minutes later we get to the set.

"I going to my dressing room for a minute if you want to come" Mum asks

"No were going to go and see everyone" i said to mum

"Ok" she said as she walks to her dressing room

We were walking to go see the cast when we bumped into Marlene King (Pretty Little Liars executive producer)

"Hey Sabrina, Hey Caleb" She said

"Hey" We said at the same time

"I haven't told the cast yet but were going to all stay over next Friday night in the barn and i was wonder if you guys want to come?"

"I would love to" i said

"Yeah Me too" Caleb says

"Annie and Hayley can come to" she said

"She can't she has her team sleepover and Hayley has school camp" caleb told marlene

"Oh ok, next time" she said 

We walk in to the table read room and most of the cast is already here, Caleb and i come to the table reads so much that there are two seats between Mum and Keegan for us, i sat next to mum and caleb sat between Me and Keegan. I posted a video of the table read but i muted the sound so i didn't accidentally release a spoiler. With the caption "At the table read with @Sleepinthegardn, @Keeoone and @Iamabakedpotato"

A couple of hours later we were in the car with Mum, Keegan, Caleb and I were in the car driving home.

"Hey Caleb, Text your family and see if they want to come over cause I'm going to order a pizza" Mum said

"Ok" He said

He text his family and they said that sounded good then we told mum. Caleb and i were going board so we started making out.

"Knock it off, you too" mum said from the front the we all started laughing.

We got home and ordered a pizza and Caleb's family came over and we ate dinner then after dinner we went out side and toasted some marshmallows. Later on Caleb decided to stay over and so did Keegan but Keegan slept in the guest room and Caleb slept with me (Not in that way). We hopped into bed and started going to sleep.

"Goodnight" Caleb said

"Goodnight" i said to caleb

"I love you" Caleb said

"I love you too" I said to Caleb then i cuddled up next to him it was so easy to go to sleep after that because i felt safe. 

Authors note: Should next chapter be in someone else's point of view (pov)? Please comment and tell me what you think.

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