24 •| Kidnapped?

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Chapter 24

Sabrina's Pov

*The Next Day*

Caleb and i were outside on the grass talking about the baby and things like that

"I'm going to get a drink, want anything" Caleb asked

"No thanks" i said to Caleb as he got up and walked inside

A couple minutes i heard Caleb come back out.

"Hey i was thinking" i said to caleb at least i thought it was Caleb before i felt something cover my mouth. Then everything went black.

1 Hour later

I woke up in a strange room with a massive headache, i sat up and looked around then i felt something vibrate in my pocket, it was my phone Caleb was ringing me

"Caleb" I said in to the phone

"Bubs, omg finally, where are you is everything ok" Caleb said worried

"Caleb i don't know where i am, I'm in a dark room but theres a bit of light coming from something that i think is a door" i said worried

"Go see when the light is coming from but don't hang up I'm staying on they phone incase something happens " he said to me

"Ok" i said as i slowly get up and walk towards the light i opened the door but i could only open it a little

"What can you see" Caleb asked

"Umm, it looks like a dirt old hotel room and theres to guys but i can't see there face" I said

"Do you hear that" one of the guys said

I recognise that voice anywhere i thought to my self.

"Caleb, i have to go ill call you back" i said to caleb

"Wait what percent is your phone on" i asked

"99%" I said to him

"Thank god, ok call me as soon as you know something" he said to me

"Ok" i said

"Be safe, I love you and the baby" He said

"I love you too" i said to him

I put my phone to voice record then put it in my pocket and walked back to the door, I opened it and saw one of they guys, the voice that i recognised and he saw me so i ran back to the bed and sat on it.

"What the hell do you think your doing" the guy said

"Brennan" i questioned, "What are you doing where am i" I said

"I'm not telling you because your going to find a way to tell Caleb and he is going to come find you and I'm not letting that happen your going to stay here and do what ever we say for as long as we like" Brennan says

"Who's we and why are you doing this to me" i said to Brennan

"We love you, so this is the only way we can be with you and do what ever we want to you" Brennan said


Luke walked in then Brennan sat on the bed in front of me so i crossed my legs, Luke walked around and sat on the other side of the bed next to Brennan.

"What the hell do you guys want with me" i asked them

"We love you and you don't love us back so this is the only way for us to be with you" Luke said

"And do what ever we what to you" Brennan said before he put his hand on my thigh.

"F off" I said to Brennan while slapping his hand

"No, were the boss of you not the other way round" Brennan said

"Yeah" Luke said agree with what Brennan said

Then Brennan kissed me, it was so disgusting i was going to throw up, then I pushed Brennan and throw up all over both of them. They both jumped up.

Wait they don't know about the baby. Caleb and i kept quite, we didn't want everyone to know yet except family, I thought to my self.

"What is wrong with you" Luke yelled

"I'm pregnant you idiots" I said to them

"Well i guess we have to do something about that" Brennan said to Luke

"You are not touching Caleb and my's baby or i will kill you both with my bare hands" I said to them, I think my mother instincts kind of kicked in

Brennan and Luke left the room i went on my phone and sent the voice recording to Caleb

A minute later my phone started ringing it was Caleb

"I'm not letting them hurt you or our baby" He said

"So i guess you heard the records" i said

"Yes and I'm going to find you before they do anything to you or our baby" Caleb said

"I have to go, i hear Brennan and Luke talking maybe i can find out where i am" i said to caleb

"Ok, call me asap and be careful, i love you" He said

"Ok i will, i love you too"

I walked over to the door and hear then talking

"We have to move some where just in case someone know where we are" Luke said

"Yeah we will move tomorrow morning, what are we going to do about the baby" Brennan said

"I guess we will let her keep it as long as she does what we say" Luke said

Oh my god thank god there going to let me keep the baby i thought to myself. I say them start to walk to the door so i quickly ran back over and sat on the bed.

They walked in and stood in front of me

"Ok we made a decision, we are going to let you keep that baby as long as you do everything we say" Brennan said

I just rolled my eyes

"Stand up" Luke says

I stood up

"Take your clothes off, all of them" Luke demanded

"NO" i screamed

Luke walked out of the room and a second later he walked back in with a baseball bat.

"Don't you dare hurt my baby" i yelled

"Then do what we say" Brennan said

"What are you going to do to me" He said

"Were going to play dress up, what do you think where going to do" Luke said

"I don't know thats why i asked" i said trying to stall cause i know what they are going to do to me

"We can do what ever we want with you" Brennan said

"No you can't" I said

"Just take your dam clothes of right know before i kill your baby right here, right now" He yelled

Authors Note: I thought my story was getting a little boring so i decide to switch things up!

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