Chapter 9

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After that day Jellal felt lighter and was happier. 

The group gained a deeper understanding of one another and eventually Ultear and Meredy opened up with you about all the extra moments in their lives . What had happened to them before they met you, the darkest moments of their past and their hopes for the future. The guild was more efficient from that point on. With a deep bond formed in the guild, your lives became synchronised. Even you, although you weren't included in the actual fights, you helped heal them when it was all over. 

You felt like a family.

You even ran into Polyusica on the way out of Magnolia. You spoke for a while and she offered you an apprenticeship to become a healer and like her, specialise in magic injuries. You declined, obviously, but the idea always stayed in the back of your mind. Maybe one day you could take her up on the offer, help the guild more. But right now you all needed to stay together, to stay strong and be a team.

Right now, the others were attacking another dark guild. 

It seemed like they had stopped so many over the last year, still it never seemed to be enough. Dark guild were like a Hydra, you cut off one head and two more grew back. Despite all of this, it seemed to be making a difference. The guilds that popped up were weaker. It was then you all realised, there was a network of dark guilds. Take out the ones further up the chain and the others underneath fall apart as well.

While the smaller ones did come back, without the support of upper guild, they quickly fell to the magic council.

That was what the others were doing right now. Attacking a guild higher up the chain, a guild right under the Oración Seis, with more than a dozen guilds under it. You were waiting outside, in the woods not too far from the guild, but far enough away that you wouldn't get caught in the action. The amount of magic emanating from the guild meant it was too dangerous for you too tag along. Not that you minded. You rather not watch your friends beat people to a pulp, possibly kill.

You were a healer after all and death bought up memories that you would rather stay forgotten.

To fill the time, you were checking your medicinal herbs and flowers inventory that you carried around. Only the rarest of herbs really. The more common ones you kept in lower stock. After all, you could find them or buy them pretty much anywhere. You resist the urge to hum as you put your stuff back in your bag. 

You had recently received a new bag from Jellal. Your old one was tattered and falling apart at the seams. You were said to part with it, but your new bag was beautiful. Soft leather and engraved on the outside was the Crime Sorcière guild mark. You were so busy concentration on counting the empty jars that needed to be filled, that you didn't hear the person approach from behind.

"Well, well, well," they said, the man's voice hard and twisted in pain, "what do we have here?"

You jumped up and turned around, facing them. He wore a blood red hood with a white peasants top. The moment you saw him, you knew who he was, a member of the guild your friends were currently fighting; The red hood guild. 

You weren't sure as to what magic they used, but strangely the hooded man was carrying a pad and pen. He clutched them tightly to his chest, as if they were the most precious thing in the world to him. You didn't answer him as you assessed how much of a threat he was. It was then you realised it wasn't the pad he was clutching but his side. He was severely injured.

That didn't mean he wasn't dangerous.

But he didn't like the fact that you weren't answering him, "yo! I asked you a god damn question!" Storming towards your distracted form, he pushed you backwards. Startled, you fell and landed with a loud thud on the floor. You squeaked at the action, your throat freezing up, too scared to make much more noise.

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