Chapter 17

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This Chapter is a lot shorter than normal, but it's necessary for the rest to make sense...

Two Weeks Later

You sighed, watching the clock as another day passed slowly. You weren't sure what else to do. The herb garden was watered, medications delivered, checkups complete, even the dinner was prepared. Now you had to wait.

It had been two weeks since you hurried back from the Grand Magic Games, a supposed virus having spread through your home and having affect the whole town. If Porlyuscia were here she have had a fit.

The people of the small town all have a feast every year at the start of the Games. Everyone would bring food to the town hall put on the Lacrima TV and watch the games as a community. Which is probably how they all had food poisoning and why none of the remedies you left worked. What you thought was going to an outbreak turned into a week of bad stomach aches and vomiting before the town carried on like nothing ever happened.

You were on high alert at the moment though, waiting on further instructions from the Rune Knights. Yesterday, the Magic Council was suddenly attacked, by a dark guild called Tartarus. No one survived. They wanted to know they could bring knights here should the need arise. Of course, you were more than willing to help.

Your main concern however, was that Jellal, Ultear and Meredy would turn up when they did. They could be seen, caught or killed. You didn't want any of that, especially not before you had a chance to talk to Jellal about what you and him were.

A few kisses are one thing, but their meaning was a whole other problem. You didn't want them to be a problem. But what if you thought more of it than Jellal did. You'd hate to think what Ultear and Meredy were going to say when they found out.

'So (Y/N) when you said you had a type, you meant Jellal right?' Is going to be along the lines of something Meredy is going to say.

'So, you kiss and tell, do you tell people about other things you do as well?' You shuddered slightly knowing all of the things Ultear would bring up. All of them making you beat red for days. Especially if she tried to give you 'tips'. That was one discussion you did not want to redo with the time mage. Why she even thought you'd need them was beyond you, but she called it female bonding. Nothing she talked about had anything to do with female bonding. More like male and female bonding, and a lot of it.

You stood up, stretching your legs after sitting so long on one position on the sofa before walking into the kitchen. You were about to boil the kettle when the door down stairs open, the small bell ringing in its wake.

Quickly, you ran down the stairs, only to see someone you had never seen before. He was a tall, lean man. He had dark hair, piercing turquoise eyes and a very distinctive crisscross like scar on the left side of his face next to his eye. His clothes were similar to that of a uniform, but looked more personalised. Maybe, he was one of the top Rune Knights. But he didn't look injured, so why was he here?

He gazed around the bottom of the house uncertain, his eyes never reaching yours until he has scanned the room.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?" He asks.

You nod, and walk towards him, scanning him for any invisible injuries, "that's me. Are you here to be healed?"

He shook his head, "my name is Doranbolt, I'm the only survivor from the attack at the Magic Council Headquarters in Era." You gasp, your hand flying over your mouth. It was then you could see them, the small grazes and cuts adorning his skin. But other than that, he looked fine, healthy and able to move about freely. "I have come seeking your help."

You nodded your head, "of course."

Putting a hand into his robe, Dorbanbolt produced a scroll, neatly rolled and sealed with purple wax, "I know you won't admit anything, so I'll make this easier on you and I won't ask how you know them. But I need the members of crime Sorcière's help."

Seeking Forgiveness (Jellal x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora