Chapter 12

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It was a long day at school and America was getting really bored. it was fun to be in one of Japan's high schools, unfortunately though Canada somehow got a bit sick so America let him stay home for the day. He wanted to stay too but Canada insisted that he go so that he could get him the notes he missed.

America wasn't feeling great that day sure he was being his usual self but everything seemed to be a bore to him.

Though Matthew did warn him that if he skipped school that day or did anything stupid he was in for a lot trouble.

Alfred's(America) POV:



Wait a minute...
Why do i have to take orders from Canadia?!?! I can do whatever I want!
And if I want to skip school then that's exactly what I'll do!

And with that Alfred decided to skip school...

Haruhi's POV:

..where in the world is he going?

Time skip~ brought to you by Me, who was very very late to update this chapter.

Tamaki's POV:

That's strange.. I've been looking for  senpai for 15? minutes now. Where is he-

"Um Tamaki senpai."

"Gah! Oh it's just​ you Haruhi.. Have you seen Alfred-Senpai?"

"Um.. Yea i was just gonna tell you about it." Haruhi says.
"I kinda saw him walk out of the school gates through one of the windows. And he had his bag and just left." Haruhi explains.

"...He jusT WHAT?"Tamaki says in shock.

"How can he just leave?? He can't do that!! And as far as i know you can't leave before school hours unless it's an emergence!"

"Then what do we do senpai?" Haruhi asks him, a little concerned.

"Well first we have to go find him of course-"

Then all of a sudden something/someone crept behind Tamaki and it whispered.

"Something bad is going to happen~
Something oh so horrible is going to be seen~"

And then Tamaki​ screamed.

It took him a minute to realise that the person behind him was Nekozawa behind him.

But the words he just said sent really bad shivers down his spine.

"What do you m-mean by b-bad, h-horrible things Nekozawa-senpai?" Tamaki asks him being creeped out him.

"That i cannot say as it will be soon done to be,
But you should know that the blond twins are not whom they seem to be.
You better find the ignorent one first,
Because if you don't his brother or his lover might be the one to die first.
But if you hurry you maybe able to save them all,
So better hurry as time time has begun to tick,
Click! As the first one has already been flicked."

"Wha-" Tamki was about to ask but then had been interupted.

"What do you mean by that?!?"

It was one of the Hitachian twins and right behind them were Kyoya, Mori and Hunny.

"Tamaki what in the world is going on?"Kyoya asked him showing concern.

"Kyoya I want you to call Gilbert-"

"How do you know i have his number?"

"Im pretty sure you have the president's number if not then God help me."


Kyoya takes his phone and starts dialing Gilbert's number. And he made sure to keep it on speaker





...*breathing noises*

"Mr.Gilbert Beilshmdt?




"G..lasses .. Kid?"

"What? Wait nevermind what happened?? Why do sound like your dying? Hello?"

"'s that damn a..merican?"

"He just left school for some reason.. we don't know."

"...Tell tha..t son of a... b*ch  to get his ..ass back .. here...tell him..."

"Tell him.. what?"

"Shit..Im not supposed.. to tell you this..But that.. does not..matter for now.."

Then all of a sudden Tamaki snatched Kyoya's phone and shouted.


"..French kid.. tell him.. the 2ps are back."


"And worse..Of all...They got.. Matthew and Kiku.."





How you doin?

*cricket noises*'s been a while...

Don't worry i haven't forgotten about this book~

And im sooo sorry that i haven't updated this book for almost about  a year now!!


So i have been quite busy alot lately..and alot of stuff to focus on.. Even now! Im 10th grade! I also just turned 15 a few days ago!! So yea...

(Note this is for the people wgo actually read these things XD)




AND scene~


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