Chapter 30

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When the bell rang Lincoln walked me to my locker, then to class. Walking into Earth Science I noticed that Marsha and Alex haven't arrived yet. Making my way over, I slumped down into my regular seat and started to pull out my books from my bag. I looked up when I noticed a presence standing over me. I was confused to see Trish smirking, standing next to me considering she wasn't even in this class.

"Can I help you with something Trish?" I asked wearily. 

"I just wanted to let you know that Conner and I are going to the dance together. I knew it wouldn't be long until he became bored of you and came back to me." She said in a sickeningly sweet voice, her eyes shining with a smug, triumphant look. She leaned in closer to me with a look of malice. "How much longer do you think Lincoln will hold out before he comes running back to Alicia? You know that you are just a conquest right? They don't really like you. You barely know them. You are just a shiny new toy to play with before they realize that you are nothing but a frigid loser." With that she stood back up and flipped her hair and barged past Marsha on her way out. 

My heart plummeted. She was right. I didn't really know them. I barely knew them for 2 months. For me it felt like it was longer, I became attached to them instantly. But was that because it was the first bit of friendship I have ever encountered. Was it different for others, who grew up in good loving homes and built lasting friendships. I couldn't help the doubt that filled me. 

"How are you feeling?" Marsha asked, sitting in the desk next to me, not quite meeting my eyes.

"I'm fine." I replied. "You overheard?"

"Yeah, a little." She said.


"And, what?" She responded still avoiding making eye contact. 

"Do you think I'm just a conquest to them?" I asked lowly, terrified of the answer. She let out a sign of resignation. 

"I don't know, Jussy. I really don't. I talked to Ferg during PE and he told me what happened this morning. I was wrong to push you towards Conner. I'm sorry for that." She said regret filtering throughout her voice. "I just wanted to get you as far from Lincoln as possible, that I didn't even think that Conner may be just as much as a problem as Lincoln. I was so wrapped up in trying to protect you from getting hurt, that I didn't realize that I was pushing you into something that was just as bad."

"Is Lincoln really that bad?" I asked. 

"Trust me when I say that you need to be careful with him. He will only end up breaking your heart." She said, finally turning to me and making eye contact. She looked worried. 

The teacher came into the class at that point, followed by Alex who took his seat behind me. Though out the class I couldn't focus. I kept thinking about Conner, Trish, and Lincoln. As much as I have come to depend on Lincoln, could it all have been an act just to have the new Toy? Does he genuinely like me or is it all an act. When the bell rang, I told Marsha that I was just going to go to the Library for lunch. I was getting overwhelmed and needed a place to think. I was just so confused. She offered to join me and we headed to my locker. 

On our way to my locker, we passed Conner's locker. He and Trish were leaning up against it and it looked like their lips were glued together. I noticed that Trish was looking right at me, while she was making out with him, almost trying to get a reaction out of me. Honestly it didn't bother me. I didn't have any romantic feelings for Conner. He was just my friend. At least he was. I'm not to sure anymore, not after what went down this morning. Do I still want him as a friend after he tried to pressure me into going to the party and then telling me to get over it. Plus there is the bruise on my arm. Do I really want a friend like that?

I knew when Marsha saw them. She tensed up and started muttering curses under her breath. She looped her arm through mine and sped up a bit. When we made it to my locker I quickly shoved my bag in it and took out my packed lunch. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Peter that I was in the library and I would see him after school. We walked quickly to the library and went straight to the back corner away from everyone else. Slumping down in the chairs I signed. 

"I am going to find us some books to read, I'll be right back." Marsha said, walking off to the Young Adult section. I leaned back on the seat and stared up at the ceiling. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and pulled it out to check it. It was Eric telling me to come to the Caf asap. I stood up as Marsha rushes back to me. 

"I just received a text from Eric, we need to go to the Caf, Now!" She said in a rush.

"He sent me the same text." I said as we rush out of the library and towards the Caf.

When we enter the Caf, I heard the loud roar of many voices shouting at once. It was complete Chaos, there was a crowd in the middle of the room and students standing on the tables trying to get a better view. Marsha and I pushed through the crowd to see what was doing on. My eyes widened at the scene before me. Lincoln, Peter and Jake looked like they were trying to fight the whole baseball team. 

Lincoln was being held back by Alex and Brian while Peter was restrained by 2 teachers. Jake was the one who was free and fighting two guys I recognized but didn't know their names. Eric, Jack and Tony were in between Peter, Lincoln and Conner, who was also being restrained by a teacher. On the other side Ferg had Emily around the waist, her legs kicking in the air trying to get free. Conner's nose was gushing blood and he had scratches along one cheek, Lincoln had a split lip and a bruise forming on his cheek. Peter and Jake look injury free. 

"Go help Ferg, I'll try to calm down Lincoln and Peter." I said to Marsha as I rushed over to the boys. 

"Peter, Lincoln stop!" I yelled coming close to them. Both of them snapped their eyes towards my direction, landing on me. I saw the tension leave both of them as they stop struggling. Conner on the other hand glared at me. 

"This is your fault! If it wasn't for you they wouldn't even be fighting. Are you happy now you b!tch!" Alicia shouted at me. I turn to see her standing off to the side with the crowd, her fists clenched and a look of fury on her face.   

"Shut the f*ck up Alicia!" Peter yelled out at her. She just sneered back at him, but remained silent. 

"I- I didn't-" I stuttered. I looked over at Lincoln and then to Conner. They were hurt, and it was because of me. I spun on my heel and pushed through the crowd, desperate to escape. 

Fight or flight, I chose flight. As I was leaving the Caf I heard Lincoln shouting to let him go. I ran out of the room and down the hallway, taking a corner I ran to the gym and out the back door to the field. I turned around the corner to a secluded part of the building. It was cold out and I had goosebumps everywhere, but I didn't care. Alicia was right. It was my fault. I sat down with my back to the wall, pulling my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and resting my head on my knees. I started to shiver and I am not sure if it was from the cold or the emotions wrecking havoc on me at the moment.  

"It looks like you just can't seem to stop ruining lives, can you." A harsh voice said. 

Looking up my blood turned to ice, and this time I knew it wasn't from the cold. 


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