Chapter Seventeen

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After ten minutes of reading the same page fifty times I toss the book down beside me and sigh in frustration. Peter must think I am a freak after my reaction. I couldn't help it, I panicked. All my life I have been treated like crap. Bullied by everyone around me. It just became second nature to cower when I hear someone get angry. In my experience, when someone gets angry, I always get hurt.

I have only had friends for less than two weeks, but I never want to lose them. Ferg and Marsha have been so gentle and understanding with me, Conner was nice too me, I definitely consider Lincoln as my friend, especially after how far he has gone to protect me from Vic. And Peter, I had known him 3 days, and I was hoping to add him to my little collection of people.

Unfortunately I had to blow it. My eyes filling with tears just thinking of how I freaked out. I was an idiot to think that I could change. That I could just forget my past, hide it in the darkest corner of my mind and bury it so deep that it would never surface again. To hope that no one saw through my disguise and sees the loser inside.

I didn't notice the other student enter the lounge of the Guidance Counsellors Office and sit on a chair across the room. It must have been while I was deep in my misery. All of a sudden he was just there. He was a bit on the short side, with a mass of curly, dark hair. He glanced at me, smiled and then pulled out his phone and started playing on it. He didn't say anything so I picked up my book and tried to read it. It was a bit distracting hearing the noise for a notification going off every few minutes. I was startled when the bell rang signalling that it was time for lunch. I put my book in my bag and stood up getting ready to leave. I was glad it was lunch time now because I was starving. Looking up I saw the guy from this morning come in, I think his name was Jake.

"Thanks Eric, Lincoln can't make it so I'll walk her to the Caf." He said. "Teeny, I'm Jake, this is Eric." He said with a smirk, gesturing over to the short one.

"It's Justine." I said.

"I heard it was Kitten." Eric said grinning at me.

"It's Justine." I sigh in annoyance.

"Alright Justine, want some company on the walk to the caf?" Jake asked still smirking at me.

"Do I have a choice" I ask wondering if Marsha or Ferg will stop by to get me.

"Nope" He said popping the P. "Lincoln wants you safely delivered to your friends."

"I need to get my lunch from my locker."

"No problem, we can stop on the way."

"In that case lead the way." I said. I took out my phone and sent a text to Ferg telling him I would meet him at the Cafeteria. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I walked out with Jake and Eric.

We made it to my locker and to the Cafeteria without any incidents. I glanced around and spotted Marsha, Ferg and Conner at a table. I started to make my way to the table. When I was almost there I felt Jake drop his arm over my shoulder and start leading me away.

"Sorry Marsha, but it's our turn with the new girl." He said over his shoulder with a smirk.

"But-" I start glancing back with wide eyes. Marsha's eyes were just as wide as my own. Ferg had a half smile and shook his head. Conner on the other hand was pissed.

"They had you yesterday. Besides the rest of us want to get to know the girl who, in less than two weeks managed to wrap not only Lincoln but also Peter around her little pinkie." Jake said smirking at me. Is that the only facial expression he knows? He does it a lot.

He leads me over to a table were Lincoln is sitting. My heart starts racing at the thought of sitting with him for the whole lunch period. Lincoln looks up and sees me being lead over by Jake and a huge smile lights up his face. Oh my sweet baby Jesus, how the hell am I going to go the whole lunch hour without going into heart failure?

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