Chapter 12

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I woke up to the obnoxious sound of my alarm. I ponder throwing it across the room but decide to let it live another day, instead I shut it off and pull my pillow over my head. I feel myself drifting off again when there is a knock at my door.

"Baby girl, time to get up. I'll make breakfast while you get ready." My dad is way too chipper for this early in the morning.

Of course my sour mood may have a little to do with the lack of sleep I had last night. Between stressing about starting school, running into the douche, trying to process Lincolns visit, and coming up with a plan to stay below the radar at school, I barely had 2 hours of sleep.

Okay let's be honest, I spent 80% of the time thinking of Lincoln's visit. I couldn't help it, when a hot guy, who saved you the night before, stops by to see if you are okay, you tend to dwell on it. And boy, did I ever dwell on it. I repeated the whole visit over and over in my head while I tossed and turned. Mostly it was when he brushed my hair behind my ear and said 'That's better' that was on a loop. I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks, just thinking of it. I wasn't sure how to feel about it all. He was just being nice to me.

I climbed out of bed and stretched with my arms above my head, ending it with a full body shudder. I went over and picked up the clothes I laid out the night before from the dresser and headed for the shower. I was quick to get ready, even putting a bit of mascara and gloss on. I dropped my clothes into the hamper and grabbed the phone from my dresser and started for the kitchen. On my way I checked the time on my phone, 7:36, and saw I had a message from Ferg telling me they would be there in 5 minutes. I entered the kitchen to the delightful smell of bacon. Breathing in deeply, I let out a sigh.

"Ferg and Marsha are on their way over." I told dad as he was putting bacon on a plate with eggs and toast. He turned and gave me the plate, and kissed my forehead. I still wasn't use to the affection he showered on me. Don't get me wrong, I like it, it makes me feel wanted and loved. Something I have never experienced before coming to Bentley. But it is still unsettling when you are use to being treated like crap by everyone around you, to suddenly having people care about you. People who want to be around you. Who save you from a douche, then come over to make sure you are okay, and brush your hair out of your face so they can see you. Okay, I need to stop obsessing and making such a small gesture into more than it is.

I sat down at the table and started eating. I rushed a bit so I could finish and brush my teeth before Ferg came over. I was just wiping my mouth with the towel when there was a knock at the door. I rushed out and grabbed my bag before heading to the door, when I arrived I saw that dad had already answered it. Marsha and Ferg stood in the foyer holding hands. I fan girled a little in my head and I couldn't wipe off the big smile as I walked up to them.

"When did that happen?" Dad asked pointing to their joined hands. With a look of shock on his face.

"Yesterday" Ferg said proudly his chest puffing out a bit. I wonder if he even realizes he did it.

"Actually it was Saturday" Marsha countered looking at Ferg with a smile.

"Baby girl, did you know about this" Dad asked me.

"I did have my suspicions." I replied back smiling brightly.

"Cameron, If anything happens to that girl I will hunt you down myself. That is if your mom doesn't get there first." Dad said in a serious tone, staring straight into Fergs eyes. Ferg gulped and looked nervously at my dad.

"Wow, The first name. You really mean business Gary." Marsha said brightly as she bounced over and gave my dad a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, but we both know that Dana will get there first." She said referring to Fergs mom. Dad chuckled and turned to me opening his arms for a hug which I gladly stepped into.

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