Unknown Self

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'In all things of nature,there is something marvellous' -Aristotle

True. I sat with the group of delight,the cousins all now reaching a point of stable comfort.

"Whatsoever, I've been reflecting,as exquisite as a place it is,I afford no time into spoiling my amendments"
Spoke Aafiah.

I wondered what she she meant as everybody around; the married girls of house, looked sad.

"Don't worry things will turn all well"
Consoled Basheera,Burhan's elder as she is,she's ever polite and composed.

We all had to exclude ourselves in confusions, we had no idea of what the conversations meant.

"What's with Brother Burhan and all the sisters,he keeps complimenting them all day" said Tufayl.

Really? So can it relate to what he said to me last night? Was he just being a comforting brother?

I was confused now and after a few hours of much thinking I was exhausted.

"I love your dress,it is so wonderful!" Complimented Zara; Uncle Umar's daughter who has just joined the place.

"Yeah,what's this style called?"
Dania too showed her fascination in my clothes,I was flattered.

"It is boho style inspired from the gypsy look"
I answered proudly.

"I want to kill myself Arghhh!!" Tufayl grunted loudly as he passed by.

"What happened to him?" Marwa asked.

"Nothing he just misses his WiFi" I answered,he sat in the corner groaning and punching the trees.

We laughed at his poor state.

We had the signals pouring life into our phone once for fifteen minutes or so. At this time nobody would be seen. Everybody would run and check their emails,update their status or simply like pictures on Instagram. I talked to Ameena,she would in a hurry ask me questions like a rapid fire round and we would finish all day's rant in that scarce allotted time.

The next day wasn't that cold. We all sat in the park,Baba arrived and sat with Uncles in the back lawn.

"How old are you now Marwa?" Zara brought forth her inspection. To which she answered gulping "Twenty three", "and you Mahnoor?" Zara tossed me the question.
"I am only five months older than her and Mehreen is elder to us than a year" I stated.

"Burhan is older than Mehreen and Aabish,how old is he?"
She seemed to be a bit lost.

"He's twenty years of age don't be mistaken by his height and Tufayl is the youngest at sixteen" Marwa cleared all her doubts.

"You've grown so much but it not worries me you all seem responsible" Brother Ubaid admired us all in most genteel expressions.

"Where can my network survive here?" Brother Aabid asked.

"Nowhere here brother...you look concern,anything severe?"
It concerned brother Bareek.

"Oh nothing he just needs to speak with his fiancé"
Aabish answered instead to which brother aabid's face suffered a serious flush.

Brother Bareek offered him his own phone and said he knows a special place where the network exists and with that said they left for somewhere we don't know.

"Aabish what are you doing?" I asked,he was cutting a cloth from what it looked like.

"Oh I just wanted a cloth to tie her mouth,it really stinks" he exclaimed finger pointing Marwa.
Marwa's a failed contender as she wisely moves to the other place than put up a fight with her.

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