Chapter 15

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I hope you like it! I won't prolong this story, I might be ending it soon.


What's wrong with Annabeth, why the hell is she ignoring Percy, and talking about Percy he looks so confused and keeps staring at Annabeth waiting and looking as if the answer to his question might just appear written on her face.

"Annabeth!!" I shout from a distance while she is talking to a junior camper. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Ohh hi Piper," she replies, I walk towards her as she says her goodbyes to that camper.

"Who was that?" I question her

" A random camper who came to me for help"

"Hmm, Anyways I have to talk to you, Are you free?"

"Uhh yeah sure.." she says unsure what to reply. I look around to see if Percy is near or something but sigh in relief as he is nowhere to be seen.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Nobody Annie, I'm just checking if anyone's around"

"Is this thing that secretive that you wanna talk to me about it alone?"

"Shut up and listen to me! So I was saying that why the hell are you ignoring poor PERCY!!?" I literally screamed his name and she was surprised at first but I can obviously make out that she is blushing.

"Uhh... I ... you know.. I.." she says unable to answer me.

"Come on Annabeth stop acting like that in front of me and answer me!" I say impatiently.

"God Piper since when did you become so impatient?"

"Since you decided not to answer my question the first time!"

"Okay okay chill person!"

"I'm not chilling until you tell me why you've been ignoring that poor thing, he's been looking at you with confused expressions since morning!"

"It's just that I can't face him after accepting my feelings towards him, plus I am sure you would have gone up to him and asked him about what he feels towards me and he must think I like him and I have sent you to tell him all this!" Damn she knows me so well!

"Uh well yeah I asked him and he was casual about it now stop over thinking things and talk to him apologising for your weird behaviour!"

"Yeah sure just like you say it mommy" she says mimicking my strict tone. I smile at her,

"God Annabeth you are ridiculous, no wonder you are no daughter of Aphrodite!"

"What? No way I would have rather killed myself than start playing a matchmaker due to being a daughter of Aphrodite, and I am pretty much fine with Athena"  I laugh at her horrified expression guessing that she was probably imagining herself as a daughter of Aphrodite doing all the girly matchmaker stuff my siblings do.

"Be careful what you say, you don't want Aphrodite angry at your words or next morning you might find yourself with freshly sprouted wings along with a bow and arrow, you might just turn into a new Cupid!" Annabeth closes her eyes probably to take all those images out of her head and breathes in and out for a moment, then opens her eyes,

"Gosh Piper shut up this is all just to ridiculous, and before you can make me think about worse things , I will have to say Bye" with that she turns around and walks off before I can stop her. She has probably gone crazy for ignoring a person like Percy, but I'm sure there will be day sooner or later when they will admit their feelings towards each other.

Pushing those thoughts aside I walk back towards my cabin and settle down on my bed when there is a knock at the door, one of my siblings opens the door. She calls me and says someone hears to meet me, who might it be? Probably it is Annabeth who has come to ask me for advice or something. But I am pretty much shocked when I'm not met by long blonde hair with fierce grey eyes instead I find sweet green eyes shining at me with black ruffled hair.

"Oh Percy it's you, how may I help you?"

"Piper if it's ok can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Yeah sure anything important?"

"Uhh it might not been important to you but it is somewhat important to me"

"Uh huh then I must say it might possibly be related to Annabeth?" I say a playfull smile on my face.

"Yeah" He said gesturing for me to follow him towards a bench.

"Go on what is it you wanted to say?" I question once we style down.

"Uh Piper you are Annabeth's best friend so I wanted to ask you if she's upset or angry at something I said because I can't recall what wrong I did that she has been ignoring me the whole day" He says with a worried expression on his face.

"Percy you need to calm down their is nothing wrong it's just that she is busy with her routine plus you know Athena" I say using my matter-of-factly tone.

"You know you can't fool me by saying she is busy I know her schedule so just spit it out, And the other excuse about Athena can count but Annabeth is brave enough to stand against her mother sometimes"

"Uh huh Percy but how do you know?"

"Because she wouldn't be friends with me if she was that scared of Athena's threats, now stop trying to change the topic and answer my question please"

"Percy you do not want to listen to this actually so it's better we just leave it"

"I want to know Piper, I want to know the reason that I have upset Annabeth, please just say it already!"

"Uhh ok so here it goes......."

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