Chapter 12

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I wake up, my eyes feeling droopy and get out of bed. After changing I head towards the Dining Pavilion for breakfast. During breakfast I notice that Percy isn't there, so obviously after finishing my meal I head towards his cabin and knock but no one replies so I open the door and go inside. But I find the room empty, so I head towards the Long Island knowing that is the only place he can be at such time.

I walk by the beach,  letting the soft sand brush against my feet. I stop where his shoes and shirt lay, and settle down next to them waiting for him to come back. I end up day dreaming, and am brought back to the present once I see him walking back to the shore only in his shorts, he quickly walks up next to me which I apparently am surprised, Why is he walking towards me , while he is only in shirts? Oh my god I may pass out! But am snapped put of my trance when he quickly bends and picks his shirt from beside me and puts it on. Gosh how could I be so stupid? Why would he walk towards me only in shorts? I need to shut my mind up! I let out a breath which I didn't know till now that I was holding back.

He grins at me,

"What are you doing here Annabeth?"

"I just noticed you weren't present for breakfast, so I searched your cabin and found it empty and then came here and waited for you to arrive, But may I know the reason for you to head here in the morning?"

His grin instantly disappears and his once shiny eyes become dull, " you know the usual nightmares"

"Umhmm, but never have I seen you so upset that you have no other choice than to jump in the water in the Morning?" I question.

"Well I must admit it was not one of the usual ones and this one seemed to distress me quite a lot so to calm myslef down I had no other choice than to find peace in the water."

"Then it must have been quite a nightmare, may I know what it was?"

"Let's not talk about this right now, I am really hungry so why not help me get myslef some meal?"

"Yeah sure, but please help me up my legs seem to have gone numb"  I say stretching out my hand. And he gladly takes it and pulls me up, I stumble unable to keep my balance due to my numb feet which are unable to hold my weight, Percy helps me steady myself and together we walk towards the Pavilion.

I don't realise whats wrong because as soon as we enter the Pavilion we receive glares from Jason and Piper who were in the middle of a conversation, they stopped and glared at us, whereas some of the girls from the Aphrodite cabin started giggling and sharing knowing glance amongst themselves. I give them a blank look until Piper walks up and clears her throat and points towards our hands. I look down to find that me and Percy are holding hands, seeing this we immediately jump apart from each other. I don't know who is more red because I know that right now my face is resembling a beet root. Everyone is silent and everything is awkward until Jason just clears his throat, and everyone goes back to what they are doing. Me and Percy share an awkward glance before I say,

"Uh weren't you here to get yourself some food?"

"What? Oh yeah," He says coming back to the situation.

After Percy walks up to get himself something to eat Piper nudges Jason to indicate that she needed to talk to me alone and Jason obeys.

"So what was ALL this then?" She questions smirking at me

"It was nothing OKAY! We were just coming and I don't even know when he interwined our fingers together" I say giving her a I will kill you if you ask more look, but obviously we are talking about Piper here and she keeps smirking at me. To get myself away from this situation I get up and walk back to my cabin. On my way back I receive many glances and smirks from Campers, but instead I just glare back and walk as fast as possible.

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