Chapter 10

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Percy is slowly gaining consciousness but he is awake one moment and the next moment he is in a deep sleep. I am not allowed to leave his side as Will told me whenever he woke up he asks for me, so I try to be by his side all the time.
I woke up as I felt the warm raise of the of the sun on my face. I go to my cabin shower and change my clothes and decide to sit by the beach as I know that Percy will be sleeping right now. I sit and quietly watch the waves wash away the sand. The scene is so beautiful and peaceful. I lose count of time and after an hour ( I think ) I get up from the sand and walk towards the Pavilion and bump into Hazel and Frank.

"Oh my god what are you guys doing here?"

"We came for a short visit, we wanted to see Percy and meet you guys," Frank says.

"Oh , when did you arrive?"

"A few minutes, I think" Hazel answers.

"Would you like some food?" I ask.

"Yeah sure , we  are really hungry" they both say in unison.

We walk towards the Pavilion and enjoy a conversation while eating. Then we leave to pay a visit to Percy. Apparently Percy had just woken and was looking around for something I didn't know of. I walk towards him and greet him

" Hello Seaweed Brain! We have some guests, Frank and Hazel"

"Hi Hazel, hi Frank" Percy exclaims. They chat on for some time until Will walks up to us.

" I hope you are enjoying the moment and I hate to interrupt you but just wanted to inform you that Percy is given my permission to leave the infirmary" Will says.

"That is wonderful"  I exclaim overjoyed. We help Percy get up and leave. That night after campfire me, Percy, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank all gather in the Posiedon cabin. We talk most of the night about different things and our different experience's and fall asleep in Percy's cabin.

The next morning I am woken up by a deafening scream, I sit up abruptly to find myslef asleep on a bed which is not mine, and realise I am not in my cabin instead I am in Percy's cabin. I look around to see who it was, who had screamed and find out it was Piper whom had woken up because of a bucket of water being emptied on her in the morning by Jason. We all get up and head towards our own cabins to shower and change and later meet up at the Pavilion.

After breakfast all six of us head towards the long island. We end up playing truth or dare, it was then that Jason dared Percy to jump in the water with me and stay there for 5 mins. I am dumbstruck, I look up at Percy and he gives me the look ' sorry I have to' before I could reject Percy picks me up and jumps in the water. I can't breathe because obviously I am not the daughter of Posiedon, and Percy is stupid enough to realise that and only realises when I almost inhale the water. He then creates a water bubble around us and finally I can breathe. When after what seemed like hours ( because we just stare at each other the whole time) we swim towards the surface.

When we come out of the water nobody is there, all of them have left. I am fuming with anger, here I am dripping in water from head to toe and they enjoy their time and runaway. Percy dries me up with his powers. And I leave to find them. When I start to head towards the cabin area I hear a murmur and catch a glimpse of blonde hair behind a bush and head towards them.

"How dare you make me jump in the water and stay there for five minutes and enjoy your own special TIME!!" I exclaim.

Everybody walks out of from their hiding places. Each of them wearing an expression of guilt on their face and their heads bent down. Until Piper speaks up..

"We're sorry Annabeth, we didn't mean to do this it was just we were getting bored waiting for you two to come out so we decided to go for a walk and when we saw you guys coming out of the water we decided to hide just so we could se your reaction, that is it, Isn't it?" She said the last part with emphasis so that everyone nodded their head in agreement and mumbled


"Very well, then let's go for archery now that we have wasted so much time" said Percy. God's I forgot he was even there!
We then walked towards the archery area and met Grover on the way he was playing his pipe which is why it was a brief meeting. Afterwards we were all so tired and hungry that as soon as we had finished our lunch we go back to our cabins to rest....

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