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Iwaizumi stared at all the houses that he was passing on his horse driven wooden cart. Barrels and crates of fresh meat, baked breads, fruits and veg picked that very morning rattled in the back. As he drove off further and further in the center of the capital city with his father, the buildings passing by became bigger and more grand. "Everything alright Hajime?" His father asked as he whipped the horse reins. "Yeah I'm fine."

They stayed silent until the castle gates came into view. "Hajime could you give the guards the code?" He nodded and jumped out of the cart and approached the gate keeper, Aone. "State your business." He demanded even though he saw Iwa every week and knew why he was here. "Food delivery for the king. Code 36790 79052 pnyq." Aone recognised the insane code to enter the castle under the king's word and pushed open the gates.

Iwaizumi and his dad enter and rode the cart slowly through the coble stone road inside the castle courtyard to the front. They climbed down from their seats and Iwaizumi started unloading the crates as his dad went to sort out payment. "Greetings Iwa!" A certain white haired male called from the castle door. "Greetings Bokuto." Iwaizumi smiled. He looked at his clothes, to be more specific his chef outfit as he was the royal chef. He had fairly big blood splats on his clothes and Iwa chuckled. "You look like you just killed someone."
"I wouldn't be surprised if it were you. You look dead."

The two laughing as Iwa went back to unloading everything. "Iwa you need to put on a bit of muscle. You can hardly lift a crate." Bokuto said and he took one end of the crate in Iwa's hands, helping him lower it, as it was clear to him that he was struggling.

A/N I'm making Iwa pretty weak at the beginning.

"I am well aware that I am fairly weak compared to others but I do plan to work on my strength." Bokuto nodded in understanding and helped with the rest of the loading. That's when a familiar voice echoed from the castles door, a voice of which Iwa love to hear. "Bokuto! Iwaizumi!" You called and walked towards them.

Iwaizumi watched as your big flowing dress dragged behind you. Your hair was in a bun decorated with pearl clips. Your gold necklace bounced around as you made your way down the steps. You silk scarf wrapped around your arms decorated your body perfectly. The dress you wore was shorter at the front, causing it to frill slightly as it got longer at the back . Evenything just above your knees down was shown at the front.

Iwaizumi blush as you made your way towards them. "Greetings Princess (y/n)." They both said and everyone around gave a small bow other than Iwaizumi and Bokuto who held their heads low as they got on one knee to bow. "Would you 2 please get up. It's hard to talk when your looking down." They smiled and got up from the ground. "Bokuto you look like you just killed someone." You giggled.
"Oh come on! I was making you and your father's favourite dish for dinner. Give me a break!" He pouted. You and Iwaizumi laughed with him and then you turned your attention to Iwaizumi. "It's good to see you again Iwaizumi. How are you? How is your mother and father?"
"I am perfect fine, as are my parents, but more importantly how are you princess? Your life is more important than mine."
"Don't be silly. I'm fine-"

You all looked back to the castle entrance to see you your freckled face butler and blonde lady in waiting (assistance) running down the stairs. "And they've found me...hello Yamaguchi. Hello Yachi"
"Your father's going to become angry if he finds out your missing your classes." Just as you were about protest the royal delegates approached you. "Your highness!" Yaku called with Lev running behind him
"What is it Yaku?" You asked as you swerved around fully to face them. "Your father has requested to see you ma'am."

You sigh and turn to the stairs. "Alright~" You started walking off when Iwaizumi call out to you. "Your highness! I need to give you something." You stopped and he scavenged through the cart. He then took something out hid it behind his back. He stood a foot away from you before pulling out the item.

He handed you a freshly picked rose. The stem was free of thorns and the crimson petals were extremely soft to the touch. "A gift from me to you, your highness. I would have wished to give you a gift as beautiful as you but it seems an item of such beauty does not exist." A colour similar to the rose presented itself on your cheeks and you smiled gently at him. "You're too sweet to me Iwaizumi." You took the rose and just looked at him for a while until Yamaguchi cleared his throat. "Your highness, we must go." You turned to him and nodded before making your way back into the castle.

Iwaizumi watched you leave and his eye stayed fixed on the big door even after you were out of sight. "Oya oya?" Bokuto sang and snapped Iwa out of his daze. "Someone's flirting with the princess? How bold."
"Shut up." He chuckled and went back to unloading.
"Don't worry. Everyone flirts with the princess. I can't blame you." He laughed. "Sir Kageyama, Lev, Maki, Matsu, Tendou and Sir Oikawa have flirted with her. Heck even I did when I first started working here. It's good that the princess and king are gentle." They both laughed loudly.

If only people knew.

You had a small skip in your step as you made your way through the hall ways. "Your highness." You slowed down and turned to see your family's adviser, Tsukishima.
Lol worst choice.
"Be weary of who you fall in love with. Any man can say those poetic lines to you." He informed and Yachi nodded. You looked back at the rose and smiled. "You are correct. However, although any man could say it, it takes someone a lot to mean it. But I do see what you're getting at. I'll be fine." He nodded and left right after.

You continued to make your way toward the thrown room where you saw the head of the royal guard standing at the door. "Ah! Princess (y/n)!" Kuroo called and bowed in a similar fashion to that of Bokuto and Iwaizumi. His armour made clanking noise as it hit the ground and his red cape trained behind him. "It's a pleasure to see you."
"Hello kuroo, please rise." He got up and grinned.
"Are you looking for your father?" You nodded and he opened the door for you and led you in as Yamaguchi and Yachi trailed behind.

You father looked at the four of you and once again Kuroo bowed on one knee along with Yamaguchi while you and Yachi curtsied. "My king, the princess has arrived."
"Thank you kuroo." He let kuroo leave and he went back to his job. You all stood up stright and your father smiled. 

"Good morning (y/n). I have called you here to ask for a favour. As you know we are having a ball in the castle in 2 weeks time. We've almost finished preparing everything however I want you to have a contribution. Plus I'm worried Bokuto and his assistants won't be able to keep up with the food demand. Please choose another chef to help with the food. More specifically, the dessert." You nodded in understanding and left.

After you were out of the room Yamaguchi and Yachi smiled. "Correct me if I'm wrong but are you going to choose the Iwaizumi family to help?" Yachi asked and you grinned.
"Yes. But can you blame me. You two have tried their food. It's amazing!" You gleamed and they sighed. "Come on!" You ran off and they followed.

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now