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Iwa woke up and stretched his back. He got out of bed and slipped on a shirt before leaving the room. He made his way down the stairs and went past Nishinoya who smiled at him. "Morning Iwa." He greeted and Iwa smiled back at him.
"Morning." He left the inn and walked over to the field at the edge of the little town. When he got there he saw Ennoshita trying to carry a bucket of freshly squeezed milk. He jogged over and took it off of him.

"Oh morning Iwa." Ennoshita smiled. The town that Iwa was dropped in was a town on the edge of Karasuno and they were a farmer village. It was usually where travelers would stop and rest and there weren't many people living there. It was nice though. When Iwa got there it didn't take him long to find Nishinoya. Noya was more than happy to let him stay there. Everyone knew that he was the person who asked for your hand in marriage. When Akihito's army came through they said they did a lot of damage. Quite a few people were hurt in the process. Noya said that if he helped sort the town out then he could stay and pay him back later. 

Right now he was helping Ennoshita out with his farm. There were already workers there but when it came to heavy lifting it didn't hurt to have an extra hand. Ennoshita asked him it he could go move the bags of food into the shed. As he was, Ennoshita came up to him. "Um Iwa, Noya just came and said he needed to talk to you." Iwa nodded and went to find Noya. When he did, Noya looked serious and looked up at him. 
"Come with me." With all of the things that had happened in the last 3 or so months he wasn't sure whether or not he should be looked forward to what was coming next. He followed him back to the inn. Noya walked into the back room. Iwa was a bit confused and followed to see the shorted male standing, arms crossed, serious, next to a crate. Iwa looked at him weirdly and stayed by the door. "Um..." He trailed off and Noya reached inside the crate before the floor of it lifted up. "Do you fit in this?" 

Iwa's jaw dropped. "What are you on about?" He handed him a letter and Iwa read through it. It was from Tsukishima and it talked about how they were going to get them back into the capital and have him help get rid of Akihito. It mentioned that they had sent a crate where the bottom lifted up and had space for him to fit. There was a hole in the side and they were going to load the top up. Kuroo mentioned that Akihito's guards had become lazy and didn't check the crates coming in properly. They were going to deliver him to Bokuto on the day of the party Junichi insisted on holding to celebrate the union of the countries. They were going to plant evidence against the two of them as Iwa hid you and your father away in the passages. The plan was due to happen any day now. Noya asked if was going to go through with it. The plans didn't seem to detailed but they did mention that it was only because it was in a letter. Iwa nodded and said he was going to do it and they started to make plans for him to leave.

The day of the party that was being held came fast, mainly since Akihito was demanding it to happen, making people jump through hoops to make it happen. All of the nobleman were invited and they had to come so they wouldn't lose their heads. You were with Akashi since he had only just finished your dress on such short notice. You put it on in a room connected to Akashi's office and came up. He smiled sadly at you and placed your tiara on your head. "You look beautiful princess." You looked at him and he smiled sweetly at you. You didn't react and he looked towards the door before turning back to you and stretched his arms open. You looked at him curiously before clocking what he was doing and hugged him. He patted your hair sweetly and took out his handkerchief when he head you sniffling. He tried desperately to dry your eyes before they ruined your makeup. There was a knock on the door. Whoever it was, they told you to hurry for other preparations. 

You left and Akashi went to his window and saw crates of food being delivered. Each were being propped open and the guards were meant to move around whatever was inside and made sure nothing was hidden. But, just as Kuroo said, the guards were lazy and just looked before putting the lids back on. Akashi made his way to one of the sevret passages in his room. Meanwhile, the crate that Bokuto was in was being pushed around the castle. "Bokuto, one of the other chefs asked, who didn't know about the plan, called. "Where do we put these crates?" He asked when all of the crates were loaded. Bokuto pretended to think and said to put them by the storage room behind the castel, specifically saying not to put them inside. He did so and Bokuto left. 

Meanwhile, Iwa was calmly waiting to be picked up by the others in the crate. It stopped moving and he looked out the breathing hole to see he was indeed outside at the back of the castle. Whoever was carrying him had left and now he waited when he saw someone coming. It was Akihito. He was dressed and was meeting with a man that popped out of no where. "You remember what to do, correct?" He spoke. The man had a hood on and nodded. As he did he revealed the vile of liquid he had. Behind his hood, he revealed a bow an arrow. Iwa's eyes went wide at the sight. Akihito smiled evilly. "Good. Come. The party is in the main hall. You will wait in the garden." Iwa waited patiantly when someone came and moves his crate inside the storage room. "Iwa?" Bokuto whispered. Iwa was let out finally and grabbed Bokuto. 

"They're gonna kill the king." 

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now