Forbidden lover

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Chapter 13

You couldn't focus on the music blastic from you earplug on full volume in your ear.All you mind was on the loud cheers and applause, roaring of the audience. You were so nervous, your body turn ice cold, and stiff. You grab your hand together and blow warm air to it.

"(Y/n)" Yuri voice snap you out of your trauma.

You half walked ,half ran to catch up with your coach.You were so nervous you didn't realise you walking pace slowed down and was being left behind. You ran clutched your cold hands and reached for Yuri's warm one.

Yuri flitched in reflex but soon relax once he saw you.Seeing you in your nervous state, he grab your waist in a hug, while holding your other hand.Your body automatically relaxed in his grasp.You hard beating heart slowed down to a normal pace, you uncontrolable senses came back into view. Yuri might seem like a jackass sometime but he actually was sweet, even if he was embarrassed about it.


"Your welcome" Yuri spoke in a gentle comforting voice,making you look sideways at him, you both locked eyes for a moment, what you both see was each other inside themselves . You were intrigue in his beautiful turquoise eyes, and you knew, you wouldn't want to change a thing. You forgot about your old coach, Brie,Cataline, Lia, you forgot all your worries, you forgot all your problem, the cheers of the audience faded in a distant.

You could feel Yuri's hot breath tickling your face. His silky blond hair brushes your forehead, He tilted your chin up,making you look at him. You both moved in sync, as if you both had planned this out.Your pink lips meets Yuri's soft ones, gentle like a rose petal,sweet like honey,warm like his embrace , even though it was just a peck,she never wanted to let go.

"Just for luck" He breathed out to her.

He took her hand in his,together they faced the world.


Both of you took your place on the ice. The lights turn off,leaving the room completely pitch black. Even though the ice was cold, the room was dark, the cheers of the crowd came to a stop, you could still feel Yuri's warmth. Both of your heart beat sync. Just like that, both of you became one.

You skated to the beat of the music, like your body was the music itself. Your movement resemble a majestic swan.You danced with grace and beauty. Innocent and untouched.You closed your eyes and focus on the song. Your entire body lost control and submit to the music. You lost your soul in the melody .You body danced to the symphony.You might not see Yuri,but you knew he was there.This short program story was about two fobidden lover,who's fate was torn apart, no matter how much they loved each other, they will never be together.

First up the step sequence, a humble girl who works at a flower shop, she was as beautiful as the flower she sold. She bloomed.The spotlight on her grew bigger.

Next was the chase, the beautiful girl met a handsome noble boy, they were living in completely different world,separated by a wall,yet they still see each other. Yuri and you dance together, close yet far.Position one to position two, you plie position three to four, lifting your arms in grace.

You did a triple axel,you flew on ice. Followed by a perfect toe loop, a protest against the man she wanted most.Swimming away like a swan,even though she couldn't have him, she couldn't take her eyes off of him, skating backwards, she curved away. And once the music beat was right came a triple lutz.

Yuri skated forward towards you with ease and care.Reunited he took your hand into his.You skipped into the air, he raised you by your waist, like you were a miracle to him,he place you back down gentle on the ice with regret. Both your hands holding on together slowly slip.

Without a farewell, you departed.

The spotlight on the both of you disappear, the crowd burst into a cheer.The applause from your performance felt like an embrace.The performance went fast like a wind passing by.Your didn't even noticed. The spotlights once again turn on. Sweat covered your body shimmer in the light.The audience threw stuff toys, flowers,roses, gift onto the rink.You skated around and bowed to the audience smiling joyfully.You skated to Yuri and jump onto him with a hug,which he returned.Yuri grabed a bunch of flower and a cute bear of off the ground .He took your hand and leaded you off the rink. Once you sat on the bench, Yuri handed you flowers. You took it gratefully and hug him.

"Well done" Yakov patted both of your back.

"Beautiful" Lilia complimented.

'That felted wonderful' you though, even though you didn't really remember what you did during the performance.It was like sitting at a cafe watching people pass by, you don't remeber them. But it felt wonderful- no it felt amazing. You couldn't get that smile of off your face.

" You should smile like this more, you look beautiful" Yuri hold your face in his hands.

The laugh light heatedly and spoke "saids you, you grumpy cat".

All he did was smirk " You're starting to sound like one of my fans, The ones who always wear cat ears" he said in a high pitch voice , "Oh it's Yuri! He look so cute! It's the russian fairy! He's so hot"

You burst out into laughter,not that you disagree.

"And the score is out! Yuri and (Y/n) up first with the score of 110.95!"

You were living a dream you never wanted to wake up.


Damn that felt good, that was the short program, the free program is coming, stay tuned for that.I changed my mind,first I was going to finish my story once Yuri and (y/n) finish the pair competition, but I decided,I will continue till they finish the Grand prix.Thank you for the support.-M J

Yuri Plisetsky x reader  flirting on iceWhere stories live. Discover now