➟ Chapter Four

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"You're from the (L/N) crime family," Joker stated when the door closed behind you.

"You figured it out," you replied, taking the chair across from him and making an observation. "It seems you've been behaving, considering you only have handcuffs on today."

"Whatever, but you--" he flicked his tongue and tapped his fingers on the metal table "--are from a very formerly infamous mob, am I right?"

"Correct," you confirmed. "And I have a proposition for you."

"What makes you think you can make a deal with me? What makes you special?" Joker challenged and slightly tilted his head to the side.

"I'm from the (L/N) family. That should speak for itself, but I think pulling a gun on you yesterday was loud enough," you said.

"Are you a real doctor or just posing to get something from me?"

"If I weren't a real doctor, I'd be running Gotham with my own gang, like you. Well, you may not even exist on the pedestal you've built for yourself if I didn't leave after the incident," you replied, resisting the flashbacks.

"Ah, yes." He sighed. "There are rumors of the what happened and everyone thinks the daughter of the (L/N) boss is dead. Care to explain?"

You relaxed in your seat. "My father's mob was ambushed by another and both ended up dead, besides me. I'm not so easily taken out, and since my father was gone and everyone else was dead, I decided to do something different. I had money and nothing but time, so I got a couple degrees and started working here."

Joker seemed to take this in for a moment. "And tell me, what is this proposition?"

"I want back in on Gotham's criminal network," you stated simply.

Joker cackled. "You're playing a dangerous game here. Whatever type of psychological lesson you're trying to inflict, it's not working."

"This isn't a game, Joker," you gritted out. "I could have been the best villain Gotham had ever seen, but I switched sides and now I regret it. I want back in and I want us to be partners."

"Partners?" he asked with a grin. "I'm not convinced you can do anything."

"I can do everything. You won't be disappointed and I'm offering my loyalty for yours in return. We're the same, you and I. We can tear this city down along with Batman, if you think you're up for it," you offered seriously.

Joker hummed lowly in his throat. "This is all business and chaos? No money? I hate when it's about money."

"That's right," you said. "We can bust you out of here tonight and go to your base. It's up to you."

"I can get out of here myself."

"But I can make it easy. I know you like things being pretentious, but this will hit them harder. I'll come get you from your cell tonight and escort you out."

"What else do you have to offer since this is a job interview?" Joker questioned teasingly.

You leaned on the table. "Let's get something straight--I do not work for you and will never do so. I'm willing to share my intellect in martial arts, weaponry, computers, navigating, and conspiring. I already know what you're all about and we could do crazy things together. What do you say?" you inquired in anticipation.

Joker studied you a bit more as he thought over everything you put out in the open for him to see. He was a smart man, yes, and he didn't like sharing anything he did, but in actuality, it was because no one met his standards. Then you presented such tempting offers that Joker didn't know if he could refuse.

Joker knew of the (L/N) family, but only from the classic stories around Gotham. They ran the mobs as a hierarchy until their demise, then of course others took the opportunity to rise. There was talk of whether the daughter was alive or not because her body was never found and no one knew for sure, but Joker was positive your words were true. It's not easy to fake that type of ruthlessness or fuse such a story together, especially not coming from the mouth of a doctor.

The Joker was getting a little bored ruling so aggressively with his own genius mind working around the clock, if he was sane with himself. He knew you had skills and he thought he could kill you effortlessly if he decided to. His mind basically made the choice for him.

He reached out his hands that were still tied together by the cuffs but with one stretched more and an evil smile adorning his red lips.

"You've got a deal," Joker whispered.

You mirrored his expression as you let your true self show completely and grasped his hand with yours. "It will be a pleasure doing business with you."

Joker squeezed your hand harder but it didn't affect you. "The feeling's mutual."

You let go of his skin and stood from your chair with your clipboard by your side.

"I'll be back before my shift ends at seven to get you and your possessions. Don't cause unneeded trouble by then, or the deal's off," you warned.

"You have my word, my dear," Joker promised but you couldn't tell if it was sincere.

"I'm sure that doesn't mean anything," you muttered with an eye roll.

"Hey!" he suddenly shouted, making you almost jump in shock. "You can't speak to me that way. I don't tolerate disrespect in the workplace."

You sighed. "Fair enough."

"Thank you," Joker said.

You were about to exit the room but the Clown Prince's voice stopped you. You figured it would be a regular thing where he interrupted your exits.

"Didn't you have a name back then?" he asked in genuine curiosity.

"Yeah, doesn't every villain or felon? We're all hiding behind our masks; that's how we become our true selves," you replied.

The Joker narrowed his black eyes to stare at you as if attempting to decipher a complicated code or map of a thousand destinations and he didn't know which to take.

"What was it?" he pushed.

You smiled, a real smile you hadn't in a long time. "Jigsaw."

Jigsaw Puzzle || The Joker x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon