➟ Chapter Seventeen

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You lifted your shirt and examined the circular scar on your abdomen where the stiches had been woven previously in the bathroom mirror. You observed it from different angles just to see what it looked like, not that you were insecure about it. It was, as you said, a badge of honor.

"It looks nice."

"I feel like when you try to be nice, it comes out weirder than you intend," you replied.

"I'm not nice," Joker insisted, leaning against the doorway.

"You're a sweetheart."

Joker scowled at your comment even though he was used to it by know and quite enjoyed being seen in such an endearing way in your eyes. It almost made him wish others could see him like that, but then it would become dull and less special when the compliments passed your lustful lips that he held himself back from devouring, especially after your getting shot.

You were healed except for some internal damage that was still being repaired, meaning that you were continually susceptible to furthering your injury. But there was no time to worry about that since the next phase of the plan was approaching where Joker would be caught so he could get to Lau.

"Do you think Dent is really Batman? Dent and that Rachel Dawes are together, so the way Batman threw himself after her out that window would make sense," you inquired, tugging your shirt down and turning to face him.

"Or maybe Batman has something going on with her," Joker said with a cackle.

You pushed passed him and flopped down on the mattress. "It's funny how they think they're being sneaky with Gordon's death. It was obvious you missed him, even if he jumps in front of the mayor."

Suddenly, Joker was leaning over you on the bed with your chests pressed together. "I missed?" he mocked.

"What can I say? Your aim needs work," you remarked, bringing up a hand to tuck the tinted green hair behind his ear.

"No, he's not Batman," Joker answered. "He's too busy to be a vigilante, but with our plan, the real one is sure to show up, that's what we're expecting."

You dragged a finger down the bridge of his nose before annoyingly poking the tip, much to his displeasure but being angry at you wasn't something he was very good at.

"You know, this is really dangerous, and I don't want

Joker cut you off. "Don't worry about--"

You narrowed your eyes and he stopped. "Don't tell me not to worry about you. Imagine if I always said that to you as if it were as simple as saying it."

"You have to focus on getting Dawes in the east warehouse, that's all I'm saying. Dent will be taken care of," Joker responded, leaning closer to brush his lips against yours.

"Did you get the bazooka ready?" you interjected and he halted his advances.

"Yeah, it's been ready." He seemed irritated.

"What about the grappling hooks for the helicopter?" you added innocently.

"It's all set," Joker assured again, bending to try to kiss you once more.

"The semi?"

"Are you trying to piss me off?" he growled.

You grinned and pretended to go in for a kiss before pushing him on the other side of the bed and rushing from the room, then down the stairs. You heard him marching after you and it made your adrenaline spike to know it. Running into the main room, you saw the henchmen and they were startled by your sudden appearance.

You snatched your book from the counter and sat at the table where your coffee was waiting. Opening your book and holding the cup, you made yourself appear as casual as possible.

"(Y/N)!" Joker barked once he entered the room. The henchmen scurred out as soon as they thought they knew what was happening. "What was that?"

"Hmm?" you hummed, taking a sip of coffee, then slowly closing and setting down your book.

"You--why?" he asked, genuinely confused. He stood in front of you, expecting a good enough answer.

"Let me ask you something--" you folded your hands in front do you and motioned for him to sit, which he did with a sigh "--do you care about me?"

Joker blinked his black eyes and looked at you as if you asked the dumbest question, but yet, he didn't want to answer.

"Do you?"

"That's a stupid question. You're alive, aren't you?" he retorted.

"Okay, point taken." You nodded. "Then what if that, right there, that moment upstairs, was the last time you ever saw me?"

Joker's chest physically tightened at the thought. How would he live without you taunting and helping him anymore? What would he do? Who would he have fun with if you were gone? What did he even do before you walked into his life with that white lab coat, then fearlessly pointed a gun to his head? Most importantly, why were you asking him?

"Why does it matter?" he pondered lowly, his fists tightening beneath the table so you wouldn't see.

You put your elbows on the table and sat on the edge of your seat. "Because that's why I tell you to be careful sometimes. Because if this is our last day, night, or kiss, then one of us doesn't make it, we won't regret being cautious. If there is one thing I learned from losing people, it's that you don't take the monotonous moments for granted, because in them, however bland they are, is when you have the opportunity for those be safes. It shows that you care if they come back, and hopefully, they will work that much harder to return if they know someone is waiting."

It baffled Joker how disgustingly sentimental you could be sometimes, but also right. He would hate for there to be any last moment with you, especially if it were a fight or something. He didn't want to think about the lasts but it was hard in your line of work. Even as you sat at the table in your own warehouse, life could end at any moment.

"Do you enjoy being a psychologist and knowing you're always right?" Joker questioned, loosening his stiff body.

"Kind of."

You chuckled as Joker rose from his chair and rounded the table to hold out his pale hand. As you gazed up at him, you breathed in the sight of the man you cared for deeply in only his dress shirt and pants. It was as casual as he got besides his pajamas. You adored everything about him, including the make-up on his face.

You put your hand in his and he pulled you to your feet but immediately lifted you to sit on the dining table with him between your legs. Joker put your arms around his neck as he locked his hands around your hips. You had never seen the look you were viewing in his orbs; it was intense and calculating and engaging. It drew you in.

"Do I care about you?" he echoed your words. You nodded. Joker thought for a moment. "To put it in simple words, the thought of anyone else in this position with me would be too revolting to mention."

You threw your head back as you laughed and Joker put his mouth on your neck. You tangled your hand in his hair and brought your skillful hand down to run up his chest to start unbuttoning his shirt. The both of you, after your hand instead tore his shirt apart, became lost in the daydream of each other in your nightmarish worlds.

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