10- Thea's Rage (*)

Start from the beginning

"I don't see what we need to discuss," I say, crossing my arms. "The Ideli poison-"


I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I keep talking right over him. "-is gone. I don't see why any of you need us anymore."

"So you wish to be dropped off in the middle of nowhere?"

"We aren't in the middle of nowhere. We're probably floating right above New York City as we speak."

Loki smirks and this is when I notice that his left cheek has a dark purple bruise across it. "Well, obviously, your brilliant sense of observation is incorrect. We are currently in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."

My mouth drops open, which I quickly close, so as not to give Loki any satisfaction. "Well then," I say, trying to overcome my surprise. "I assure you that we no longer want to stay on here, particularly with you on board."

"And Thor doubted me when I said that your spite came not only from the poison," observes Loki with an air of amusement.

"You never answered my question." I state.

"You never asked me a question."

"Well, then let me make this clear to you, because clearly your 'high tech,'" I put this in air quotes, "brain cannot possibly wrap itself around this concept. I. Want. To. Be. Off. Of. This. Ship. When is that happening?"

"Before you call me unintelligent," says Loki, once again skillfully side-stepping my question. "Perhaps note the fact that I am the one who saved you and your precious sister's lives."

"I don't give you much credit for telling the Avengers what any good person should." I say. "But then again, you aren't a good person, are you, Loki?"

"I'm not a per-"

"I know what you did to New York." I state, trying to keep my emotions under control. "And I hate you over and over again for it. I will never be able to forgive you."

Loki's emerald eyes pierce into mine so that I want to look away. "I know you have something you have been wanting to tell me for a very long time." When I snarl at him, he adds, "Do not deny what is clear to my eyes, Thea."

"I don't know why I'm even talking to you about this," I snap, turning away.

"Thea, we never began to discuss-"

"I don't give a damn!" I yell at him, stalking down the corridor. I hear Loki protesting after me, but I ignore him, a burning feeling going through my chest. I choke back tears as I run through the hallway, not really caring where I am going.

Stark calls out for me as I dash past him, but Natasha holds him back. Ignoring both of them, I look for anywhere, anywhere at all I can be alone.

Thor finds me about an hour later, on the observatory deck, looking out at the miles and miles of clouds and sky as the sun sets like a crimson tide across the heavens. Tears still frame my face like chains.

"What happened?" he asks, his shadow falling over me.

I cross my arms. "Nothing."

"Thea," he says, sitting down next to me, although I still refuse to look at him. "Do not deny-"

"You sound just like your brother!" I hiss.

He raises his eyebrows, but says nothing. I cough, sniffing and wiping my eyes on my sleeve. The sky is darkening, and soon Thor and I are thrown into shadows, as the only light comes from the automatic lights that flash on above us.

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now