twenty two

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(vote if you want jacob to get better!)

troyes pov

as i sat in the restaurant confused on why jacob was so mad, i suddenly heard a giant crash and screaming. a car crash? could that have been jacob? i quickly ran out of the resturant, and saw that his grey SUV was gone. i ran down the street that would lead to home, and i saw a horrifying car crash. i ran closer, and saw his grey SUV. no. no no no. this cant be happening. i covered my mouth with my hands as tears ran down my cheeks endlessly. why. why did this have to happen to him. why couldnt it have been me? i would rather be dead than see the love of my life dead.

i started screaming loudly as i saw the firefighters bring out jacobs body. this is horrifying. i kept screaming. my voice was cracking as i was screaming his name.

"jacob! jacob!" very loudly and ear piercing, dont blame me if you leave with bleeding ears. i tried running under the tape as i was crying, my face was red. but the police stopped me, and held me back as i kept screaming his name. his body is just there, limp and most likely dead.

the ambulance team brought him on a stretcher and put him inside the truck and drove away quickly, the sirens loud, but somehow my screams are louder. i kept crying but my screaming went down a little as the truck drove farther away.  the police let me go as the noticed i was getting a little calmer, and i looked around the scene. pedestrians everywhere. phones were out, people were crying, and stood in shock. i ran away from the scene quickly and went back to the restaurant's parking lot, and got into my car, turning it on quickly, and drove off to the hospital. 

when i got to the hospital, i called nicole while i was waiting in the lobby. she said she'll get here right away, and she sounded really worried. and when she says 'she'll get there right away' she usually means in a little while, but i knew this time she was really coming. i paced around the large room while other waiters were just staring at me. i sat back down.

what if he doesnt make it? i'd never be able to live without him. i wouldnt be able to find someone new. im in love with him. if he dies, a large part of me would too. 

i blinked hard, releasing a few tears on accident.

i buried my face in my hands and cried to myself. 


i looked up and saw nicole walking in quickly, pure panic on her face. i got up and she walked towards me and hugged me tightly. she dropped her purse on the floor and held onto me. i was crying into her shoulder. shes taller than me.

"is he okay?" she asked, as we parted from the hug.

"i-i dont know, i havent seen him yet."i sniffled.

"you saw the whole thing right?" she asked, and we sat down together.

"not exactly..." i started.

"i was like around the corner and stuff and i heard a big crash and screams and jacob just left at that moment so i ran out and over to the scene and i saw them drag out his body and and..." i began to break down crying.

"it was horrifying." 

she put an arm around my shoulder, and i scooted closer and put my head on her shoulder. i kept crying.

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